The Joys of Jet Lag

Jan 08, 2008 18:06

Who: Seith Morgan [Conrad] and Edie Steinlen [Snow White]
Where: The Pen
When: Right around 6:00 PM, Wednesday
What: A very jet-lagged Seith attempts to make it into the Pen and his room with far to much luggage, Edie saves his camera bag and then plies him with dinner and cocoa. :)
Rating: G-Rated
Satus: Complete!

Seith was starting to realize that meeting with his client immediately after stepping off a red-eye from London had not been the wisest of decisions. )

edie steinlen, seith morgan

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giftapfel January 8 2008, 23:51:11 UTC
She spent more and more time in the building now that her schedule allowed, but part of this was indeed due to the fact that she was in no way excited about the idea of returning to an empty house that night. It seemed that what usually was a four hour stint in the Pentameron for cleaning had turned into an all day excursion for her and so she had gone out a second time for dinner. Edie had been on her to bring a plate of what she had made for supper to Bob, only to surprisingly find a man struggling into the front door with a wealth of bags. A sympathetic smile soon melting over her features as the dishes were shifted into one hand as she hurried towards him.

"Poor man, let me help you with those!"

The plates met the front desk, and a hand went out to catch the camera that had weasled its way to his wrist from hitting the floor.


thegooseguy January 9 2008, 00:29:29 UTC
A gasp escaped Seith as the camera bag, his life's blood and reason for living, slid precariously toward the floor. It then became a sigh of relief as a hand shot out to grab the bag, saving the precious equipment from certain doom. Releasing his arm from the camera bag's strap, Seith managed to shift the larger suitcase to one side, propping it against the wall just inside the door and stepped all the way in, twisting the smaller suitcase so that it no longer caught on the doorframe. Only then did he manage to glance at his valiant rescuer.

"Thank you so much," he said, truly thankful, "You have no idea the certain doom you've just saved me from." Edie's good deed was rewarded with a tired but genuine smile, "I'm Seith. I don't think we've met." He released his grasp on the smaller suitcase to extend a hand toward her.


giftapfel January 9 2008, 00:42:04 UTC
"It's absolutely not a problem, I can imagine..." Oh, she had felt terrified for the man, just the thought of the same sort of harm coming to one of knives made her feel ill. The camera, cradled delicately in her hands as if some fragile bird was taken once he released it and placed across her chest and over her shoulder in order to keep it safe while taking his hand, shaking it gently.

"We haven't, I'm Edie. It's nice to meet you.." He seemed so tired..or if he'd been damn well beaten and she was just itching to take care of him. "Are you alright?"


thegooseguy January 9 2008, 02:26:53 UTC
"Just jet lag, luv," he mumbled, shaking her hand in return, the weariness making his already thick accent even thicker. "Bit of bad planning on my part. Took a red eye from London then worked a full day before coming here. I should've never let the client talk me into it." He shook his head, bemused.

"But I'm here now, so all's well. Just have to make it to my room and then I can pass out for twelve hours or so." He smiled ruefully.


giftapfel January 9 2008, 02:48:38 UTC

... )


thegooseguy January 9 2008, 03:10:34 UTC
"Oh you don't have to do that," Seith wasn't about to make Edie carry his bags; chivalry and all that. He might not have been a prince, but he knew that men were supposed to help women with their luggage, not the other way round. "I can leave them in the hall in the meantime. They're not going anywhere."

He smiled at her again, this time with a flash of charm, despite his tiredness, "I am a bit peckish, now that you mention it."


giftapfel January 9 2008, 03:18:28 UTC
"It's fine, I carry vacuums and carpet cleaners a hundred times heavier than these." Really, wherein the princess did appreciate the idea of chivalry she could make her own way easily enough. More importantly, it seemed that caring instinct was indeed kicking in, lifting the smaller bag up onto her other shoulder as if it were the beginning to a game, her smile brightening just a bit carrying that light up past her nose and into her eyes. Hell, she did love feeding people.

"We'll bring these up, then I'll make you a plate and put the kettle on."


thegooseguy January 9 2008, 03:40:57 UTC
"Um, well I, uh..." Seith couldn't think of any way to talk her out of carrying his bags without being rude. Finally he just gave up and decided to let her take care of him, since she seemed so set on doing so. "Right then," he shouldered his backpack and hoisted the larger suitcase, "To the second floor!" He gave her an impish grin and started toward the stairs.

"I do appreciate your help," he said, sincerely, as they climbed. "You said you carried vacuums on occasion. The Pen hasn't hired you on as a housekeeper in my absence, have they?"


giftapfel January 9 2008, 03:48:58 UTC

... )


thegooseguy January 9 2008, 04:06:17 UTC
Seith, being tired and generally not all there at the moment, didn't understand that his phrasing had made Edie think he had once been the Pen's housekeeper, so he was a bit confused at her response. "Why would you have to give it up?" He tilted his head to one side, brow slightly furrowed. "Someone gunning for your job?"


giftapfel January 9 2008, 04:13:06 UTC

... )


thegooseguy January 9 2008, 04:50:20 UTC
Seith couldn't help but laugh, "I actually meant since the last time I'd visited." Really he was quite amused that anyone could take him for a housekeeper. "I'm afraid I'm not really the housekeeping sort. My career keeps me traveling too often to really settle," he gestured toward the camera bag. "But I'll take it as a compliment that you had such faith in my domestic godhood," he winked, teasingly ( ... )


giftapfel January 9 2008, 04:58:33 UTC

... )


thegooseguy January 9 2008, 05:12:19 UTC
"The boring sort mostly," Seith replied conversationally. Good, there was no one in the common room of the apartment at the moment, which meant they weren't disturbing anyone. "I take photographs of things people want to sell for print ads. Books, alarm clocks, shoes... nothing particularly fascinating. One mo," he said, hauling the two heaviest bags into the room that was to be his bedroom, then dropping the knapsack on the bed.

He reappeared a moment later for the precious camera bag, setting it too in his bedroom on top of the bureau. "I do the fun stuff in my spare time," he said, upon reemerging. "In fact, I'll probably look into doing a gallery show if I'm in town for any length of time," and, if the meetings earlier were any indication, it might well be a good long stay.


giftapfel January 9 2008, 05:25:34 UTC

... )


thegooseguy January 9 2008, 16:10:43 UTC
"Touche," he replied, in response to her quote as they reached the kitchen. "And really, dealing with all the punters in the business world is an art unto itself, though I have to admit I don't find it all that displeasing." If anything, Seith enjoyed the social manipulation that came with his job. There was a sort of satisfaction in convincing people your ideas were what they really wanted. Perhaps, if he had not become a photographer, he would have been a salesman.

"At any rate, you're more than welcome to see my portfolio," he said, taking a step toward the stove and sniffed in curiosity, "Once I'm considerably less famished and considerably more rested."


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