Who: Seith Morgan [Conrad] and Edie Steinlen [Snow White]
Where: The Pen
When: Right around 6:00 PM, Wednesday
What: A very jet-lagged Seith attempts to make it into the Pen and his room with far to much luggage, Edie saves his camera bag and then plies him with dinner and cocoa. :)
Rating: G-Rated
Satus: Complete!
Seith was starting to realize that meeting with his client immediately after stepping off a red-eye from London had not been the wisest of decisions. Sure, he'd arrived at La Guardia just shy of 8:00 AM, but he'd slept terribly on the plane and, after running the gauntlet to reacquire his luggage, he found that he had less than forty-five minutes to make it from Queens to his client's posh TriBeCa office.
No amount of money to bribe the cab to drive faster could help Seith make his meeting on time. Frustrated, he'd finally called the client and informed them he was going to be late. Fortunately, they hadn't seemed too worried (that whole flying in from London thing somewhat softened the blow), and when Seith finally reached the office, he'd gotten down to business almost immediately. The first meeting had lasted three hours and subsequent meetings anywhere from one to two hours so that, by the end of the day, Seith felt like someone had flattened him with a steam roller, re-inflated him, attached lines and then made him dance around like a marionette. To say jet lag was taking effect was putting it mildly.
Finally, around 6:00 PM (eastern standard time... what time was it in London again? Eleven? Midnight?), Seith stumbled into the Pentamerone, struggling with a small suitcase; one of those compact models with the wheels and handle, a larger, more traditional suitcase, an overstuffed backpack and a camera bag. Or rather, he didn't quite stumble into the Pentamerone. More like he got halfway through the front door, his small, wheeled suitcase catching on the doorframe, the larger suitcase wedging itself between Seith and the door, and his camera bag sliding from his shoulder.
Cursing in frustration, Seith struggled to regain control of his wayward luggage and prevent himself from taking a spill.