(no subject)

Jan 09, 2008 13:26

WHO: David (Papa Bear) and Belinda (Jack the Giant Killer)
WHAT: David's drunk and Belinda goes over.
WHEN: After this.
STATUS: Started on AIM, finished in this thread.
Rating: TBD / PG-13+

David was a bad bad bad man... Did he even understand how bad he was? Shutting his journal, David tossed it onto the couch and closed his eyes briefly ran his hand up and over his head and then back forward, inevitably messing up his hair as he giggled more to himself than the spotted pink and green hippopotamus that had been lounging in the armchair across from him for most of the evening. Looking over at the coffee table where he had set his Glenlivet earlier, David eyed it greedily and reached over, snagging the bottle around it's neck and taking a drink. Not long after, he vaguely heard the knock at the front door not more than seven yards away and with enough rocking to gain momentum off of the couch, David propelled himself onto his feet and managed to catch himself before he smashed over onto the coffee table. With the grace of an elephant in rollerskates, David found himself at the front door, his empty hand pressing against it. Taking an uneasy step back, he squinted and then turned t he knob, swinging it open.

Belinda hadn't been sure if she should be concerned or not, about David's drunken excursion - but, she told herself, he was a fully-grown man and definitely allowed to drink himself silly every now and then, if that's what he wanted to do. And Belinda was definitely allowed to go watch and laugh at him. And take care of him, if he needed it, though that would probably come later. She hadn't spent a lot of time at David's, but she knew where he lived and how to get there. She showed up about an hour after he asked her to, a half-assed thrown-together overnight bag over her shoulder with the important stuff - clothes, toothbrush, contacts case - and an indulgent smile already on her face by the time she knocked. Eying the wobbly man who opened the door, she laughed already. "Hey, papa bear," she greeted him.

David was surprised not to see the Pope even after he had invited the man over, but seeing Belinda on the other side of the door was lovely all the same. His red face split into a large cheesy grin as he waved at her with the bottle in his hand, whatever alcohol was still in it swished around at the movement. "Soooo glad y'coul makkit." He then took a gallant step back, still hanging onto the doorknob. "C'mon in! Bernar's here already.." When she stepped in, David shut the door and finally released the doorknob before leaning against her and looping an arm over her shoulders. "Can I getcha drink?"

Belinda had no idea who 'Bernar' was, because as far as she could tell, there was no one else there. She gave David a curious look, laughing a little again and wrapping her arms around his waist, easily. "Who's here?" she asked him, reaching for the bottle in his hand to steal a sip. She wasn't high maintenance at all, including liquor consumption - she could swig from a bottle with the best of them.

David gave an unmanly giggle and then, not realizing that his bottle had exchanged people, indicated his pink and green friend still lounging in the armchair, now in a red velvet smoking jacket and reading the Wall Street Journal. "Bernar', meet 'Linda... 'Linda, Bernar'." He paused, watching the armchair as Bernard greeted Belinda in his snooty French accent, before returning to his paper. Scowling, David turned back to the woman in front of him and gave her a wide tight-lipped smile.

There was, of course, no pink and green anything in the arm chair, and she stared at it for a second before grinning. "Hi, Bernard," she waved. It was actually somewhat cute, that David had an imaginary friend when he was drunk. "Whoo," she said, looking at the bottle in her hand and then daring another sip. "You drank half a bottle of this? No wonder you're so trashed."

Unfocused eyes settled on the Glenlivet bottle as she took a sip from it. "No'too bad, hnn.." He muttered, giving her a sloppy smile and then managing somehow to guide her back over to the couch and not skewer her on the coffee table in the process. "I don' care what Bernar' says..." He turned himself on the couch, letting his legs dangle over one of the arms. "They didda fantas'ic job on yer nose.." He then lifted an index finger and practically laying his head in her lap, gave her nose a gentle poke, followed dutifully by a "boop".

Belinda shrugged her coat off on her way over to the couch, sitting and laughing a bit, scrunching her nose up at the discussion of it. "Bernard doesn't like my nose?" she shot a playful glare at the chair with no one in it, and laughed softly again at the 'boop'. She wiggled her nose slightly, I Dream of Jeannie style. "Thank you," she told him, grinning a little bit and pushing his hair back a little. "That was very thoughtful," she added, laughing a bit and stealing another drink of his liquor. It'd be funnier and easier to manage if she was tipsy herself.

"Bernar' doesn like a lotta thin's.." David said sadly before settling his head onto her lap and giving the ceiling a large stupid smile before sitting up with some difficulty and swinging his legs over in front of him. Draping an arm around her shoulders, David scootched closer and rested his chin on her shoulder. Alas, the David Fisher suave charm wasn't anything notable when the man was three sheets to the wind, but bless his heart, he still tried. "Wanna play nurse?" He asked, nose practically jammed into her ear.

It was a challenge for Belinda not to laugh; she tried hard, biting her lip and tilting her head at him, shoulders moving with the silent chuckles. "Nurse? Okay, let me see here," she leaned in and sniffed his breath, then looked at his eyes, and then pressed her hand to his cheek, feeling how warm it was. "It's my official nurse diagnosis that you are so drunk," she announced a moment later, grinning at him and tickling his side a little bit.

Watching her do what nurses did best (well the second thing nurses did best), David's eyes widened at her diagnosis, flinching at the tickle to his side. "Yoor exac'ly right, nurse..." A mischievous glint in his eyes later and he had turned and was practically on top of the poor woman. Unfortunately he hadn't had a good enough grip on the couch or Belinda to start with, so as he proceeded to attempt to woo her into submission, David's hand slipped from the edge of the couch and he went crashing to the floor in a fit of giggles.

Belinda's eyes got progressively wider as she watched David's ... well, she wasn't exactly sure what he was doing, but he wound up on the floor and she wound up in a similar fit of giggles, her head tipped back against the couch and her arms over her stomach. She was laughing too hard to check if he was all right - then again, if he'd been seriously hurt, he wouldn't be laughing either. Unless he was drunk enough to giggle through a concussion. After she caught her breath, she opened her eyes and leaned down, her hand on his shoulder. "You okay?"

belinda harris, david fisher

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