The Joys of Jet Lag

Jan 08, 2008 18:06

Who: Seith Morgan [Conrad] and Edie Steinlen [Snow White]
Where: The Pen
When: Right around 6:00 PM, Wednesday
What: A very jet-lagged Seith attempts to make it into the Pen and his room with far to much luggage, Edie saves his camera bag and then plies him with dinner and cocoa. :)
Rating: G-Rated
Satus: Complete!

Seith was starting to realize that meeting with his client immediately after stepping off a red-eye from London had not been the wisest of decisions. )

edie steinlen, seith morgan

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giftapfel January 9 2008, 02:48:38 UTC

"That sounds absolutely wretched, I'm sorry to hear that." Once her hand was relinquished she took to gather another bag of his with a light smile, nodding her head towards the end of the hallway. "I'll help you get these upstairs, are you hungry?"


thegooseguy January 9 2008, 03:10:34 UTC
"Oh you don't have to do that," Seith wasn't about to make Edie carry his bags; chivalry and all that. He might not have been a prince, but he knew that men were supposed to help women with their luggage, not the other way round. "I can leave them in the hall in the meantime. They're not going anywhere."

He smiled at her again, this time with a flash of charm, despite his tiredness, "I am a bit peckish, now that you mention it."


giftapfel January 9 2008, 03:18:28 UTC
"It's fine, I carry vacuums and carpet cleaners a hundred times heavier than these." Really, wherein the princess did appreciate the idea of chivalry she could make her own way easily enough. More importantly, it seemed that caring instinct was indeed kicking in, lifting the smaller bag up onto her other shoulder as if it were the beginning to a game, her smile brightening just a bit carrying that light up past her nose and into her eyes. Hell, she did love feeding people.

"We'll bring these up, then I'll make you a plate and put the kettle on."


thegooseguy January 9 2008, 03:40:57 UTC
"Um, well I, uh..." Seith couldn't think of any way to talk her out of carrying his bags without being rude. Finally he just gave up and decided to let her take care of him, since she seemed so set on doing so. "Right then," he shouldered his backpack and hoisted the larger suitcase, "To the second floor!" He gave her an impish grin and started toward the stairs.

"I do appreciate your help," he said, sincerely, as they climbed. "You said you carried vacuums on occasion. The Pen hasn't hired you on as a housekeeper in my absence, have they?"


giftapfel January 9 2008, 03:48:58 UTC

"Yes, to the second floor!" And with that she made a slight joking charge, finger in air before coming to a stop. Really she would not make it far with the load she bore, nor did she want to risk tripping and smashing his camera to bits.

"It's no trouble.." She smiled back to him as they made it up the steps, an eyebrow raising curiously though as he mentioned his previous job as housekeeper. "I'm afraid so, and I'm not all that keen on giving it up either as it's the Pentamerone above all my other clients that is helping me pay my way through school."


thegooseguy January 9 2008, 04:06:17 UTC
Seith, being tired and generally not all there at the moment, didn't understand that his phrasing had made Edie think he had once been the Pen's housekeeper, so he was a bit confused at her response. "Why would you have to give it up?" He tilted his head to one side, brow slightly furrowed. "Someone gunning for your job?"


giftapfel January 9 2008, 04:13:06 UTC

"Didn't you just say...Oh!" She soon enough smiled with a palm coming to meet with her forehead, it was an understandable misunderstanding to say the least if not amusing. "I thought you had meant that you were the housekeeper here prior to myself.." Taking the last step, she stopped when she came to the hallway, waiting a moment for him to catch up. "Left or right?"


thegooseguy January 9 2008, 04:50:20 UTC
Seith couldn't help but laugh, "I actually meant since the last time I'd visited." Really he was quite amused that anyone could take him for a housekeeper. "I'm afraid I'm not really the housekeeping sort. My career keeps me traveling too often to really settle," he gestured toward the camera bag. "But I'll take it as a compliment that you had such faith in my domestic godhood," he winked, teasingly.

"And, left! Though actually we're already here," as the door to apartment B was mere feet from where they stood at the top of the landing. There was only one small problem. "Wonder if anyone left me a key," he muttered, under his breath, frowning thoughtfully. Then, quirking an eyebrow as a thought suddenly came to him, he stretched up onto his toes and carefully felt around the top of the doorframe, eventually discovering what he was looking for. Well, some things never changed and he thanked his foresight in calling ahead.

Knocking briefly to make sure his entrance wasn't startling anyone, he unlocked the door and turned to Edie. "Let me just dump these in my room and I'll accompany you down to the kitchen."


giftapfel January 9 2008, 04:58:33 UTC

Still laughing quietly to her, she took the moment to look over the floor she often passed over in her cleaning as per Pentamerone orders. "I had guessed that much, you travel? What sort of photographer are you?" It seemed such an odd thing to ask, but truly the field had grown so much that there was too much room to make horrible assumptions.

She turned towards the door with him, watching him stretch up with sheer awe, for Edie to have ever found anything up their she would have needed a six foot ladder. She placed down his two bags by the door, the camera left in her hands protectively until her was ready for it.

"That sounds fine. You aren't a vegetarian are you?"


thegooseguy January 9 2008, 05:12:19 UTC
"The boring sort mostly," Seith replied conversationally. Good, there was no one in the common room of the apartment at the moment, which meant they weren't disturbing anyone. "I take photographs of things people want to sell for print ads. Books, alarm clocks, shoes... nothing particularly fascinating. One mo," he said, hauling the two heaviest bags into the room that was to be his bedroom, then dropping the knapsack on the bed.

He reappeared a moment later for the precious camera bag, setting it too in his bedroom on top of the bureau. "I do the fun stuff in my spare time," he said, upon reemerging. "In fact, I'll probably look into doing a gallery show if I'm in town for any length of time," and, if the meetings earlier were any indication, it might well be a good long stay.


giftapfel January 9 2008, 05:25:34 UTC

Edie waited just within the door frame of the room, not wanting to intrude on him as he gathered his things. her head coming to rest gently against the door frame while she watched him move things in, and listened to him. The smile never once left her as he listed off the items that he mostly worked with.

"Making money is art, and working is art and good business is the best art." She quoted Warhol as he took the camera to bring it back into his bedroom, it wasn't one she entirely agreed with but she respect it never the less. "These are not the days in which a person can get by on talent alone, all artists must dip into the corporate world in order to live comfortably."

Edie straightened once her finished with his bags moving from the door way and pushing her hair back from her eyes as she headed them down the stairs. "A gallery show? I'd love to see your portfolio of no commercial work." Skipping the last two steps to head into the kitchen where the pot of what she had made for dinner still rested on the stove top, covered to keep the heat in.


thegooseguy January 9 2008, 16:10:43 UTC
"Touche," he replied, in response to her quote as they reached the kitchen. "And really, dealing with all the punters in the business world is an art unto itself, though I have to admit I don't find it all that displeasing." If anything, Seith enjoyed the social manipulation that came with his job. There was a sort of satisfaction in convincing people your ideas were what they really wanted. Perhaps, if he had not become a photographer, he would have been a salesman.

"At any rate, you're more than welcome to see my portfolio," he said, taking a step toward the stove and sniffed in curiosity, "Once I'm considerably less famished and considerably more rested."


giftapfel January 9 2008, 19:42:38 UTC

"I would imagine it to be trying.." She replied while stretching to reach a dish in the upper cabinet, managing to get it down without to much trouble. A smile was offered over her shoulder as the lid was removed and the very last of the pot of chicken carbonara was emptied out for him.

Flicking her wrist to try and dislodge the few peas and noodles sticking to the wooden serving spoon stubbornly, she only ended up with a carrot stuck to her cheek; quickly wiped off and the spoon relinquished to the sink. "I don't know about the rest, but I can take care of the famished part.." The dish was offered then to Seith, "I think we're out of bread though, sorry."


thegooseguy January 10 2008, 01:41:30 UTC
"Who needs bread," Seith grinned at her, a bit of his old twinkle returning. "You're like my knight-ess in shining armor. First you save my livelihood, then you feed me. What more could a bloke ask for?"

The chicken carbonara smelled amazing and, until he'd been offered the plate, Seith had no idea just how hungry he'd been. Not wasting any time, he tucked in immediately, pausing to exclaim, mouth half-full, "Oh, this is heavenly luv."


giftapfel January 10 2008, 02:02:21 UTC

"Don't blaspheme, sir, bread is what makes the world go around.." Edie cringed at the thought of the Atkin's Diet, regardless as he thanked her she found herself smiling brightly. "Tea or Hot Chocolate?"

Edie wasn't necessarily vain, but when she started it was hard to make her stop. Scrubbing out the pot and spoon while he ate, that smile just seemed to continue to grow until it seemed that her face was going to break. When one spent a large sum of time around critical chefs, such praise and was infectious. She was quite happy to see him enjoying it, turning for a moment to let out a soft laugh, trying to hide her growing blush. "I'm happy you like it."


thegooseguy January 10 2008, 22:07:30 UTC
"You have cocoa?" Seith perked up immediately, "I haven't had cocoa in years." Clearly that was all the answer he needed to give on his choice of beverages.

"Where did you learn to cook like this," he asked, changing the subject, "And if you're going to be sticking around, I'm going to have to start visiting New York more often." He took another bite, savoring the taste. Fortunately for Edie, not only was it good, but Seith was quite fond of Italian food.


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