Jun 26, 2007 23:37
I miss being an OL.
Plain and simple. I just miss it.
I miss the feeling of authority...that I was an experienced college student...to have incoming students and parents look up to me...want to hear my advice...want to ask questions and listen to my stories. I miss being able to answer questions and to tell what it is like at Heidelberg...the fun, the activities, the classes, my roommate stories (three in my first year alone).
I miss being able to shamelessly plug Heidelberg theatre and Alpha Psi Omega and stalking out all of the theatre people.
I actually miss being around the faculty and staff. It's kind of nice being able to hang out and talk to them on a different level...get to know them a little better. I really miss Dustin and Peggy.
I miss the OL retreat. The bonding games were always a blast and I loved the campfires at night...staying up till all hours of the morning roasting marshmallows and playing catch. It was so much fun. Climbing the wall.
"Airport." 'nough said.
I met some of my best friends at Heidelberg by becoming an OL. Being an OL is how I met Jessie, Valerie, Patrick, Kim, Dana, Mike B, Katie, Jessica...
After spending an entire summer meeting incoming students and getting to know them, I feel better moving back to campus. I haven't felt overwhelmed the past two years with all of the new faces because I knew them. This year, I may know three from Facebook alone. I won't have incoming students coming to my room to hang out the first week. All I'm going to be thinking when I go back is...
"These kids are so much younger than me."
Then I remember why I decided not to go back. For the amount of driving I did, the pay wasn't worth it. I didn't have a steady group of people to hang out with. The people I spent the most time with (Kyra, Cassie, Lori, Aaron, Dan, Cayla) all stopped being OLs this year. And last year OL drove me crazy because 90% of the girls were Delts and they always hung out together. They made it seem like being an OL was a Delt exclusive...a sorority thing. I wasn't a Delt, so they didn't want to hang out with me. And then all of my roommates were complete jerks. I never had an OL roommate I liked. Last year, they put me in a single. I was in a single at Orientation for a whole week. And I had few enough friends there as it was. I hated it. It was terrible.
But still.
As much as I want to run away from my senior year...specifically my EDU major and all prospects of student teaching...I want to hurry back. I want to be surrounded by my friends (who haven't graduated). I want to have parties every night...someone to always call and hang out with. Fun roommates (who aren't psychotic) to laugh and have fun with. I want to have movie nights...I miss CAKE DAY...I miss going to Mike and Andrew's room and watching Gilmore Girls. I miss the Dinner Crew. I miss the APs.
But I am having so much fun this summer. Mike is finally starting to crawl out of his shell and really enjoy himself. He's becoming truly ambitious for the first time since I knew him...he wants to get his driver's license, he wants to get a better job, he wants to go to Tri-C. I'm helping Mike drive. I'm helping Kate drive. I finally have time to go to the movies, to catch up on my reading, to take a breath and relax. To think about everything for the upcoming year. Katie and I are in full swing prep for the medieval faire and the HP premiere. I'm finding so much time to hang out with Cassandra. Work is slowing down, which isn't good, but I am enjoying some free time.
Is there any way that I can go back to college...
...with Mike and Katie
...without having to continue my EDU major
...without having to do my senior seminar
...while being fully involved in theatre
...without stressing out over classes
...without all of the unnecessary drama
...and make APsiO the best organization on campus?
Didn't think so.
senior year,
medieval faire,