One fucked up dream. -- Read it! It's really screwed up!

Jun 28, 2007 13:18

So, this is what happens when your mind combines elements before you go to bed, mainly:
-- Mike
-- The end sequence of "All Dogs Go to Heaven" that takes place in hell...I was watching the movie last night and never finished.
-- Harry Potter
-- Pirates of the Caribbean
-- The Wizard of Oz
-- other random things

So, here's what I remember...

The dream actually went on for a very long time.  I was in a place that I now understand was to be Hogwarts, though it certainly didn't look like it at all.  I was there with Mike, Justine, the Tin Man from "The Wizard of Oz" and some other random people.  There has been a killer on the loose and the only people left at the school are us, the rest of my graduating class from middle school (at current age), the man I now know to be Snape and his minions.  The Tin Man took us to a room with a large wooden table and chairs.  You couldn't walk on one side of the table because there was no floor, just fencing on the floor.  When the Tin Man flicked the light switch, he said, "There is the man who is killing everyone."  We looked through the fence and couldn't see anything...just bits of torture devices that were obviously stained in blood.  One of them appeared to be a sideways rack.  The other looked like the fire hydrant that Charlie was wearing for a few moments in "All Dogs," but it had become a torture device.  I looked down from all angles, but I couldn't see who it was.  Then, someone turned out the lights and we all left the room and were running for our lives.

Flash forward to a few moments later and we were all standing in the backyard of my grandma's house with the rest of my class.  It's the not too distant future, so her house doesn't look quite the same and she obviously isn't there.  We were being guarded by Snape's minions.  On the back of my grandma's house was a description of our arrest and it mentioned something about the theatre costume department.  We were all ventured to the front of my grandma's house and gasped at the sight of the machine across the street.  It looked like the gallows from "POTC:AWE" except there was no place to fall through.  Instead, there were circles marked on the wood and bright lights above them that flashed randomly.  We saw Snape on the other side of my grandma's house with a few of his minions..  It was then I noticed that there were people over there...not any of us, though.  There was a lever on the platform itself, between two people who were standing under the light.  As if they had no choice, the two people pulled the lever at the same time.  The light became insanely bright and drowned the people in light that was so bright you could barely look at it.  They all screamed in agonizing pain.  When the light lifted, they all fell over, dead.  Snape clapped with his minions while a minion on the other side of the street walked large decorative wooden crates and placed them over each of the deceased and threw them aside in a pile.

We now knew our fate.  For some odd reason as we waited our death, Justine was correcting math papers for her friends.  She handed them back and said that they were fine.  The two girls looked releaved and went back to wait in line for their inevitable turn.  I didn't want to go immediately and was waiting by a car in the driveway with Mike.  There was a small ring on my left hand, yet I know it wasn't a wedding ring.  Engagement, maybe.  I knew that this was the very end of our lives, our last moments together.
I asked him, "Do you think you can travel in heaven?"
Mike said, "Yes, I'm pretty sure you can."
Smiling, I replied, "Well, then, tomorrow we are going to get you your Wii."
Mike smiled and hugged me close.

And then it was our time to go.  There was a pile of costumes lying on the front lawn and I frantically began to look through them, looking for my "wedding dress" when I realized that Bobby from my class was wearing it.
"Bobby," I demanded, "I need to wear my wedding dress!"
Bobby pointed to one that looked exactly like it lying right in front of me.
"No, it's not that one.  It's THAT one, the one that you're wearing."
Bobby reluctantly took off the dress and I put it on, looking into Mike's eyes...the bride he would never have.  We kissed passionately for what would be our last time.

We stood and watched painfully as the lights struck and everyone fell.  But then...could it be...yes!  Someone was walking away from the gallows...Connor was fine!  What happened?  And then I overheard Snape's minions.
"So, boss, how do they get hope?" he asked Snape.
Snape gestured to the bright lights.  "Every time it blinks on its victim, they get a glimmer of hope."
All of a sudden, I felt a bit of relief, even as Connor walked past me with absolutely no expression.

We were taken silently across the street and lined up at our positions.  As I was positioned, I noticed the minion was putting Christina into a crate and placing it aside with the others.  It was then that I realized that Mike and I were positioned on either side of the lever.  WE were going to have to pull it.
"No!" I complained to the minion.
"Master's orders that the young couple pull it," he replied.
The minion stepped aside and the lights began to flicker.  Mentally, I tried to count the lights between Mike and I.  I saw Justine on the other side of me, completely accepting her fate and prepared for death.  I was still panicking.  If I could have moved in my circle, I would have been pacing.

I never actually saw the end because the "camera angle" turned.  But I knew that people fell, along with Bobby and Justine.

And then there was a great pause and I felt for sure that Mike and I were safe.

And then we fell.

Somehow after our death, I remember grasping a copy of a children's book called, "Snape's Hogwarts."  I picked it up and shuffled through the pages.  Everything was in this children's, Mike, the Tin-Man, the torture devices, even our deaths!


dream, justine, mike

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