Feb 07, 2007 10:57
So, updates on my life...
My audition for "An American Daughter" is tonight. Very nervous, but not quite that much. *shrugs* I don't know. I read with Michelle this morning when she was auditioning for Dr. G. I got to read for both of the parts that I would like. I'm not going until tonight, so that leaves me plenty of time to practice reading the parts and trying to differentiate between the characters.
We also found out at APsiO last night that "An American Daughter" is falling on the worst possible weekend imaginable. Look at this:
-- "An American Daughter"
-- Little Sibs Weekend
-- Battle of the Bands
-- AP Formal
-- College-Community Chorus Concert
Little Sibs Weekend doesn't bother me; Scott wouldn't do anything except watch trains and blondes. Battle of the Bands is disappointing, but I'll live. AP FORMAL!!! I don't want to leave the show and drive to the formal. If I do have to do that, I want to drive out there with someone. But who else would do this show knowing that this was going to happen? *shrugs* I guess I'm not going to formal. No big deal. I've only been looking forward to it since December. The concert may not be a big deal, especially if we're not having a matinee.
On top of that, my room is an utter mess (on my standards) because I can't find time to clean. I'm worried about getting Davey's props done by Monday, though I am doing my best. (Which reminds me...I have an e-mail to send and a stethoscope to pick up.) I still haven't returned the doll barn because I keep forgetting to ask Jenna when she can take me over (it won't fit comfortably in my car). I got my contract in from the Rutherford B. Hayes Center, but I haven't filled it out yet. Once again, my credit card bill is going to be outrageous and I'm hoping that I still have paychecks waiting for me at B&BW and at the Disney Store.
My "Disney application" video for the dream job is due in two weeks. Haven't given it much thought at all. 45 seconds isn't that long, but to make it impressive...well.
*sighs* The reason I'm going so crazy now is because I'm supposed to be doing pre-field on Tuesday/Thursday mornings AND I still have my EDU classes. After spring break, I'll only have field and no EDU classes. That will give me some blessed time to finish things.
Ugh. All I want to do is go back to bed, but I can't. I seriously need to sit down and come up with a list of everything that I need to get done.
I am going to do that. I promise that I will make myself that list.
...after my audition.
an american daughter,
ap lil' sis,
lucy hayes,
credit card,
minor state of panic,