Whatchu No About Me?

Oct 14, 2007 23:52


I passed all my tests with 100's and shit, you know the tests I was talking about back in May! Well after graduating with the highest honors my collllleege has ever seen, and recieeving awardz in speeling and grammarre. This fine ass titty girl treated herself to a 6 month cruise around the world that stopped strictly at Haiti for 6 months. All those countries I visited, GIRL! And by cruise I mean oil freighter that took 3 months from my crib to get there, what the fuck niggaz!?
After arriving at the poor ass continent of Niggerdom, Haiti to the localz, I set out immediately on my spirit walk to find some drugs and live a simpler life. Thus the lack of communication for these last 6 years. I hired a young tar baby who had the biggest ribs I've ever seen and the largest fly ridden skull full of greasy poop strings they call hair. And by hired I mean enticed with the promise of three pennies and the chance to eat my shit (goddamn negroid was in a rude awakening after finding out I let out my slippery load on some native girl who looked at me the wrong way).
Me and my sweaty island companion broke the ravages of the trash forest for what seemed like days, and by me I mean the sweaty nigger did all the work while I ate candy barz and chalk. The chalk was given to me by Latino Rocket to ward off the black and keep the white around me pure, what a savior. Walking with midnight was disgusting, especially because I had use him as my own personal toilet on account of my refusal to disturb the beautiful garbage filled landscape.
We searched and searched until I found what I'z be looking for....some PUSSY! NIGGA that shit was tight, permed, and pressed. I'm not going into details but lets just say it was the dirtiest, ripest fruit I ever torn up with such passion that I almost turned savage as the the filthy haitians....worth it. How did I know this exotic wet box was hiding here in wait to be raped and pulled apart by a worthy nigger such as myself? woman's intuition ASSHOLEZ!
So then after taking her virginity and giving her a fake numbahz, I fucked outta that place like nobody's business and stole the villages prized 89 pound ruby all the while flipping off the niggas in my nude outfit while sneaking aboard my freighter. I BE HATING.

Later nigz.
See you soon LR and I guess I should get back to classes, I didnt graduate, just moved up a grade, since when the fuck does that happen?
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