Dec 15, 2010 17:59
Interrupting the flow of meme-age temporarily because I just got a thought and HOW COULD I BEAR TO KEEP THAT SHIT TO MYSELF WHEN I HAVE A JOURNAL RIGHT HERE.
In any case, my current greatest wish in life, like if a genie were to just show up right now and offer me however many wishes this would be the first one I'd pick, would be... TO BECOME A VAMPIRE. Yes. A vampire. As in the kings of shitty teen romance books and 80's proto-yaoi vampire.
Now I know what you're thinking, and that's WHY IN THE FUCK WOULD YOU GO AND DO THAT.
To which I say, I have three perfectly good, entirely too well thought out reasons.
Reason the first: Immortality. And better yet, eternal youth and beauty. Now most people, when faced with immortality, immediately flip the fuck out and start angsting harder than an emotionally troubled teen whose parents won't get them tickets to the latest MCR concert. (HI LOUIS DE POINTE DU LAC) But if you've spoken to me for more than five minutes or even read this entry up until this point, you can probably tell that I am not like most people.(In other words, a psycho bastard.) Because of this, the idea of existing interminably in a relatively unchanging state, rather than being an existential nightmare, is actually particuarly appealing to me. I am the perfect candidate for immortality, and this has freaked the fuck out of at least one person. :D
Reason the second: Sweet fuckin' teeth. 'Nuff said.
Reason the third and probably my favourite: By becoming a vampire specifically, and not any number of other immortal, sweet-teeth'd beings, I would be able to MESS WITH PEOPLE'S PERCEPTIONS OF VAMPIRES. The vampire myth has, over the centuries, morphed from being one of many badass folkloric monsterbeasts that kept peasants from sleeping easy in the night to something entirely different. Something at once wussier and more alluring. Something that, to combine the most modern myths, is a lot like that unhappy teenager I used in that above analogy, except somehow even more gothic/emo and finely dusted with glitter powder to boot. Some people like this. Some people don't. I don't really care either way except for that nearly subconscious, junkie-like urge to mock and/or troll the crap out of such silliness. Being at once an uncouth barbarian and scintillating ray of sunshine and utter, pure fabulosity, to become a vampire would mean trolling the vampire stereotype JUST BY BEING MYSELF AND DOING WHAT I ALREADY DO. If that ain't livin' the dream, I don't know what is.
cassius is a silly,
vampire chronicles