(no subject)

Aug 07, 2006 14:16

Today is just dragging.  I think it's because there are several things I want to get done when I get home and that there is nothing really challenging going on at work.  If I were really on my game, I'd be designing the training for our new employee who starts next Monday.  But I just don't feel like doing that--and I need some input from some people who are 1) out of town, or 2) too busy doing their own thing.

My list of things to do tonight is:
  1. Wash dishes that accumulated yesterday and from tonight's dinner
  2. FlyLady routine--that includes meditation!!!!
  3. Continue "fixing" scanned wedding pictures in preparation for flickr upload
  4. Work on wedding scrapbook
  5. Work on baby afghan for future nephew
  6. Type up minutes from last Women of Today meeting
  7. Compile newsletter for Women of Today
  8. Watch Hell's Kitchen
  9. Read a simple cozy
  10. Get some exercise in
Realistically, I think I'll focus on the dishes, the FlyLady routine, a small amount of exercise, Hell's Kitchen and the baby afghan (which can be worked on while I veg in front of the tv).  If I can manage all that, I'll get the meeting minutes done.   Just writing all of that makes me really wish I could go home right now and get started!
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