Aug 07, 2006 09:42
Aackk! Yet another Monday morning arrives where I haven't been able to sleep the night before. It's not anxiety and it's not caffeine. I've ruled both of those causes out. And I should have been exhausted last night. The bowling team came over for a barbecue on Saturday. It started at 4 and the last guest left at 11. It was better than I had anticipated, but by 8:30 I really wanted everyone to go home. Instead the guys played euchre (my favorite card game) and the women just sat around and talked about nothing in particular. They didn't want to do anything besides chat. I can gossip and chat with the best of them, but I really have little in common with these people. But they are nice, so I can't just be rude and leave them to go read a book or work on a project.
One woman is scheduled for foot surgery in September. The doctor will be working on both her feet and she will be off from work for 8 weeks. This is a necessary surgery and this woman works on her feet all day at the casino. Her supervisor has informed her that because she is taking so much time off, she will not be eligible for the annual bonus. In fact, he made sure to tell her what an inconvenience she is putting her department through. The woman was told to get this surgery done 3 years ago but didn't feel that she could take the time from work--her doctor is telling her that she has to get it done this year. After the confrontation with her supervisor, the woman offered to go to HR and cancel her request for time off and reschedule the surgery. Her supervisor won't let her do that because then he'd get in trouble with HR but he just wants her to know that she's putting him in a tough spot.
The Patchwork Princess and I went to the River City Days parade yesterday. I missed out on all the other festivities this year. There were some nice floats and overall I had a good time. The kids were cute--especially hers, but I'm biased. It's fun to watch little kids at a parade.
Also yesterday, I was incredibly emotional. I needed to watch Steel Magnolias or Terms of Endearment to clear my system but that wasn't in the cards. I cried during the pastor's sermon. I cried during the brunch, I cried when the National Guard passed by during the parade, and I cried that Inspector Morse had died on Mystery! That last caused body racking sobs. With all that crying, I should have been tired enough to sleep.