Dec 03, 2003 18:34
Today I took a final that took me over two hours to do. It wasn't even that hard, it was just so long. Which doesn't normally bother me, but this one was just long for no reason. I feel like I answered the same question 3 times. Multiple choice, short answer and essay. It was for the class that everyone has done terrible in, so I hoping that she curves. She probably won't though, because she doesn't seem like the britest bulb in the box. We did a homework assingment where we had to come up with a toekn economy for a workplace (sort of a reward system, where they get tokens for doing things and can use them for stuff later) I decided the tokens would be worth a half hour of paid time off. Her critisism of my idea?
"I think that a half hour is a little bit too much for a token to be worth. They would only have to do the target behavior two times and they would get an entire day off of work"
Last time I checked, an entire day off of work is at least 8 hours, not ONE. So either she can't read, or she can't add time. It's not like she could have just missread though, it was 4 pages long, and that was said about 6 times a page. This woman is suposed to be teaching ME?!
::pulls out stake and slays stupid professor::
What? She must have been a demon.