Dec 06, 2003 10:00
So, I found the actual NYS website about that son-of-a-bitch mental health counseling license that is being such a bitch about fucking up my plans. and yay! I get all excited because they have an email address that is for questions about the license. so I email then and ask basically, if they can tell me ANYTHING, anything at all, so that I don't go into a program that will not allow me this license. Their oh so helpful response?
I am sorry but I can not answer your questions at this time. The board
has not yet developed the rules and regulations regarding this
profession. Any information that I might be able to provide to you at
the moment may change in the future. The rules and regulations will
hopefully be completed by the middle of next year. Thank you.
HOPEFULLY by the middle of next year!? And what am I suposed to do before then? Sit on my ass? And you know, anything with the government anything, middle of next year means end of the year after that. They couldn't even tell me ANTHING? Do they understand how expensive Grad school is? I don't want to waste all my money just waiting for them to decide things. They could have told me something. Any information may change in the furture? Okay, fine, change it in the furture, but please give me something people.
Maybe I will just go to a school for it, and then if its wrong, get my doctorate in counseling psych like I would like to anyways. Skip license and job in between. Still though, I would like the option of a license in between. grrrr.
Oh yeah, and I emailed syracuse university all these questions about a week ago and they have not answered me yet. Somebody somewhere doesnt want me to go to grad school I think.