Haunting Worries

Apr 02, 2018 09:26

I'm afraid to imagine if I don't get the scholarship. Like, I have to pay those huge amount of money and it can't be reimbursed by anyone and for the next two years I have to pay my master degree tuition fees on my own. There's a possibility I do not get offer in the university, though, but let me be optimistic that I will be accepted. (Aamiin)

There are a lot of worries in these attempts-to-continue-my-study thing. They are there, even though I'm trying hard to repress it all, haunting me every day. I do believe in my God's plans of course--He knows what is the best for me. I have faith in Him and I promise myself to fight 'til the end, whatever the result will be. I'll leave it to Him. But still, the worries are there. Every now and then.

I choose this major, that bends so much from my bachelor degree, consciously, after discussing with many people, after thinking about the good or bad sides of it, and after plucking up all my courage to choose it. This is one of many factors of my worries. But it's for another journal entry in another time.

Writing about those worries down here, is a catharsis for me. Usually I'll feel so much better and relaxed after writing that I can be back to my confident self.



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