FIC: "Sugar & Spice" - 1/1, KU/LM, NC17, LoTRiPS

Jun 05, 2003 18:06

Title: Sugar & Spice
Series: Hedonism, part 4 (sequel to Coffee & Cream)
Author: Jo (
Pairing: Karl Urban/Lawrence Makoare
Rating: NC17
Summary: Karl is sugar; Lawrence is spice
Archive: Faded Ink, the birthday celebration week archive when it's up, others ask first.
Author's Notes: The sequel to "Coffee & Cream" -- written because Brenda insisted I write it. Also done as part of the Karl Birthday Celebration Week. Set roughly during the beginning of April, 2003, just before Karl needed to be in Vancouver for work on the movie, "Riddick."

"I leave Monday."

"I know."

Karl draped his body over the back of the chair and peered down at the newspaper in Lawrence's hands. "Why don't you come with?"

"Can't," Lawrence replied, calmly turning to the next page as he glanced up. It was amazing how, even now with the chair supporting his weight, Karl couldn't remain still.

"Why?" Karl practically hummed with pent up energy.

Lawrence bit his lip to keep from smiling as he folded the paper, shifted until he could see Karl. And was once again struck by the casual beauty of his lover. "Re-shoots start next week, auditions after that."

"Oh." Karl looked so crestfallen that it was all Lawrence could do to not laugh. He reached up and tugged on a lock of unruly hair. No matter what Karl did, that one section of hair constantly found its way into his eyes. Lawrence found it endearing.

"Maybe I can fly out in a couple weeks. You can survive that long without me."

"I dunno," Karl said and flashed what was almost a trademark cheeky grin.

Lawrence chuckled, grabbed Karl's arm and pulled him around the chair. As Karl sprawled in his lap, Lawrence thought over the last few months. He was still constantly amazed by the fact that Karl had chosen him. Warm lips touched his throat, and Lawrence grinned.


"Hmm?" Karl was too engrossed in his oral perusal of Lawrence's neck to bother looking up.

"Nothing planned today."

"Oh?" Karl lifted his head, smiled that slow smile that always sent Lawrence's blood rushing straight to his groin.


Karl slid off Lawrence's lap, smiled again. Warm, tan fingers curled around Lawrence's darker ones and pulled him from the chair. "No plans, hmm?"


"You do now."


"You want me to do what?"

Lawrence couldn't help it. The sheer disbelief in Karl's voice had him laughing. Probably not the best time, but.... He repeated himself, each word slow and distinct. And Karl's eyes went even wider. Hmm...hadn't thought that was possible. Another soft, amused chuckle.

"But I've never --"

"Well, don't you think it's time you did?"

Karl considered that for several minutes, expression thoughtful. Lawrence just watched him quietly, fingers curled over Karl's hip. And, as he watched Karl, Lawrence marvelled at the stark contrast of their skin, at how perfectly they complimented each other. Dark and pale, shadow and light -- Lawrence would say coffee and cream, but that wasn't quite it.

No, it was something much richer, something that was much more delightful to the palette. Like...raw, unrefined sugar. That was it. Karl's skin held the same warm, tan-gold glow of raw sugar. Beautiful, rich, smooth.

And Lawrence watched his hand glide over Karl's raw sugar skin. The contrast was breathtaking in its simplicity. So beautiful, so simple -- so alluring. His own skin was like fine, dark cinnamon in this light; the flickflickflicker of the candles sending shadows dancing over his body. Delightful and sweet and so very pleasing to the senses. Sugar and spice. Yeah, that was it.


Karl's head snapped up, and nervous hazel eyes -- not obscured by reading glasses now -- met Lawrence's. Even white teeth chewed a full bottom lip, and Lawrence was hard pressed to keep from leaning in, sweeping his tongue over the abused spot. Then Karl blinked, smiled -- and Lawrence lost his train of thought.

"Okay." The word was delivered in a husky murmur, but it was enough. It was more than enough.

Lawrence was nearly vibrating with an odd mixture of love, lust, need. And he was harder than he could remember being in months. Harder than he'd been since the first time he'd taken Karl to bed. Hard to believe it had been four months since then. Lawrence could still remember that night as if it had just happened yesterday.

Then he promptly stopped thinking about that night and focused on the here and now as Karl pushed him to his back. A wet, pink tongue moved over his collarbone in tiny, darting licks while fingertips traced over muscled ribs. As Karl shifted lower still, body dragging over Lawrence's, tongue never ceasing to lap at, and taste, heated cinnamon skin, Lawrence fisted his hands in the sheets and prayed that he wouldn't come the second Karl's lips touched him. It had been years since that had happened -- 20 to be exact -- and Lawrence sure as hell didn't want to think about how embarrassing that would be right now.

OhChristohfuckplease.... Wet heat enveloped him, sucked him in deep. Ragged moan -- was that from him? It was. Heels braced against the bed, pushed up as Lawrence sought more suction, more depth. Another groan as he felt Karl's throat relax, felt himself slide deep. It had taken weeks of frustrated patience for Karl to master that trick, but fuck.... It was more than worth it.

Blunt, strong, cinnamon-spice fingers sank deep into the midnight silk of Karl's hair as he moved. A gentle tug, then a more insistent one. Much as he loved Karl's lips wrapped around him, Lawrence wanted something else. It was time. Past time, actually, according to his body.

"Now?" Karl murmured, sliding back up Lawrence's body, hips settling comfortably between Lawrence's thighs.

"Now," Lawrence said as he lifted his head to catch Karl's lips in a rough, urgent kiss. "Lube's in the --"

"I know."

Seconds later, Lawrence gasped again when slick fingers eased into him. He could picture it in his head as Karl's tongue pushed between his teeth, mimicking his fingers hesistant movements. Sugar and spice. Sugar sinking into spice, merging. Fuck, but that was a pretty thought.

Sugar gold fingers twisted, turned, corkscrewing deeper, seeking, searching...finding. Intense, white-hot pleasure raced up Lawrence's spine, returned to pool in his groin. Clever, clever fingers. Clever, clever Karl to find that spot on his own. And was that.... It was. Karl was laughing. Granted, it was a low, velvety sound deep in his throat, but still. Fucker was laughing.

"Like that?" A long, slow lick along Lawrence's jaw accompanied the words.

Like that? Hell, yes, he liked that. A lot, in fact. And his body made that very clear to Karl as cinnamon mocha hips bucked, jerked in response to those clever fingers brushing sensitive nerves again. Too much more of that and this was going to end before it really got started.

Another soft chuckle at Lawrence's frustrated growl. Oh, yeah...cocky bastard was going to pay for this torment. Just as soon as Lawrence found his brain. It seemed to have vanished. Then, fingers slid out, and a low, menacing rumble drifted up from Lawrence's chest. He opened his mouth to protest, left it open in a soft sigh as Karl shifted, pushed, and....

"Tight," Karl gasped, sweat beading on his forehead, teeth closing over his bottom lip. Lawrence could feel bunched muscles under his palms, feel the tension and nervousness suffusing Karl's body. Karl was holding back...and that just wouldn't do at all.

So Lawrence did his own shifting, muscles relaxing, pulling Karl in deeper. Then those same muscles clenched, released, and again. And Karl seemed to take the hint, because he started to move, slowly at first, then faster, his thrusts becoming more assured.

Lawrence's body moved in response, hips lifting to meet each thrust, the two of them working together in perfect tandem. How easy it was to just completely lose himself in Karl's hesitant, untutored caresses. So easy to surrender to Karl's first time, to the sugary spicy complexity of their relationship.


The world turned white, then dark. Sugar followed by spice. And that was the last thing Lawrence remembered for a long time.



"Hmm?" The lazy, sated mumble came from the vicinity of Lawrence's chest.

Lawrence chuckled, watched with sleepy eyes as his fingers drew random patterns on Karl's shoulder. Dark on light, spice on sugar. The contrasting shades were soothing, warm...and exactly right.

"We equal?"

Karl lifted his head as he considered that. Forehead wrinkled in confusion, Karl looked so perplexed that Lawrence almost broke down and explained what he meant. But he didn't. Couldn't. Karl had to figure this out on his own. Otherwise, they never would be.

Then green/gold flecked eyes twinkled, and lush lips parted in a smile. Yes, clever Karl -- he had it.

"We are now."

written June 4, 2003

character: lawrence makoare, character: karl urban, fic: lotrips, series: hedonism

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