FIC: "Sunset" - 1/1, KU/OB, PG, LoTRiPS

Jun 08, 2003 20:54

Title: Sunset
Author: Jo (
Pairing: Karl Urban/Orlando Bloom
Rating: PG
Summary: Sunset colors in action
Disclaimer: If you think this is real, I have a bridge in London that I'd like to sell you...
Archive: Faded Ink, all others ask first
Author's Notes: Written for the contrelamontre complementary colors challenge. Time limit of 90 minutes, written in 23 minutes.

"There is no way in hell that that color was ever created by nature."

Karl glanced over to where Harry was looking. And laughed. It didn't take a genius to figure out to what Harry was referring. Orlando's shirt. In all its brilliant, bright, garish, screechingly loud orangeness. It was, Karl thought, a truly hideous color.

"Nah, mate. Vig suggested that a color blind Tibetan monk created it." Karl's expression was so dead pan that Harry had to look at him twice just to be sure.

"Wouldn't be surprised," Harry muttered, as he started towards the bar. "Suits him, though."

And it did. The more Karl studied it, the more he realized that Harry was right. The color -- loud and atrocious as it was -- was perfect for Orlando. And the more Karl studied it, the more he thought that it wasn't quite so ugly.

Oh, it was still garish and bright and something Karl wouldn't be caught dead in, but.... It was Orlando. Bright and warm and full of life. How appropriate, Karl mused, sipping his rum. And it really wasn't a bad color -- if you squinted like that and tilted your head just so and unfocused your eyes. No, not such a bad color at all. Though Karl still wouldn't wear it.

No, not him. Blue was more his thing. Like the nice, quiet, calm, dark royal blue that he had on right now. Definitely a better color for him. And he liked the way the blue silk rippled across his shoulders when he moved. Soothing. Not at all excitable like that orange thing Orlando claimed was a shirt. Karl didn't do excitable. Wasn't his thing at all.

Finishing his drink, Karl pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose with one finger, turned to the bar. And ran right into Orlando. And that shirt. Dear God, it was even more...something up close. Karl didn't have the words to describe it. Truth be told, he didn't think that Viggo would have the words to describe it. And Viggo knew a lot of words. Artsy and all that, you know.

"Having fun?" Orlando's grin matched his shirt. No, not orange. Open and inviting. Warm. Karl found himself smiling in response.

"Course I am." One hand -- the one not holding the empty glass -- curled around Orlando's hip and pulled him closer. "Better now, though."

"Yeah?" The word was a mere breath across Karl's throat as Orlando leaned in, nuzzled the stubbled skin just below Karl's jaw. Just the exact spot to make Karl shiver, to make his body tighten in longing.

Karl closed his eyes, swallowed. Then opened his eyes again. Orange filled his vision. It really wasn't a bad color. He still wouldn't wear it, but...yeah. Not a bad color at all. It was Orlando. It even started the same -- Orlando, orange. Karl thought they suited each other perfectly. Just like the blue suited him.

And, he thought as Orlando lifted his head, flashing a brilliant smile, maybe he suited Orlando, too. Excitement needed something to calm it. Something to soothe it, keep it grounded. Harry'd always told him he needed something to add spice to his life. And now Karl had it. Orlando. Orange. Blue.

Orange into blue, adding life and flavor to it. Blue mixing with orange, calming it. Merging until all that was left was something that was neither, yet both. Something that was more than either. And, as chocolate eyes smiled up at him, Karl realized that that something was something that he liked very much. No matter how loud and garish and eye-wrenching one part of it was.

"Get a room," Harry said as he passed them, fond grin splitting his face when Karl answered with a very amused "Piss off."

"Viggo said he wants to paint us or something," Orlando said, drawing Karl's attention back to him and away from Harry.

Karl blinked. "Vig wants what?"

"Yeah." Orlando nodded, forehead wrinkling in a tiny frown that immediately had Karl's fingertips there, soothing the creases. "Said something about us looking like a sunset."

"He did, huh?" Karl lifted his head, met Viggo's eyes across the crowded room. And smiled. Leave it to Vig to sum it up perfectly. Karl's eyes dropped to his arm where it rested on Orlando's shoulder, noticed for the first time how the two colors complemented each other. Orango and blue, blue and orange. Sunset. Something peaceful and soothing and completely untamed. Just like him, just like Orlando...just like the two of them together.

written June 8, 2003

character: orlando bloom, character: karl urban, fic: lotrips

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