DRABBLE: "Tell Me" - 1/1, KU/VM, R, LoTRiPS

Jun 05, 2003 16:50

Title: Tell Me
Author: Jo (jo@fadedink.com)
Pairing: Karl Urban/Viggo Mortensen
Rating: R
Summary: Karl understands
Archive: Faded Ink, the birthday celebration archive when it's up, others please ask
Author's Notes: Just a short drabble in honor of the Karl Birthday Celebration Week.

"Tell me."

The soft demand was accompanied by a slow, deep thrust as deft fingers curled around him. A sharp gasp was the only answer Karl was capable of giving.

"Tell me."

Again, the soft demand. Karl's body arched, writhed, sought more -- more friction, more depth, more more more.

"Please...." Voice rough, breathless...needy. "Want you...."

Again. "Tell me."

Something deeper in the murmured command. Just like that, Karl knew what needed to be said, what needed to be heard. Hazel eyes opened, locked with warm, blue ones.

"Love you," Karl whispered, was rewarded with a smile.

"Love you, too...."

Written June 4, 2003

! drabble, character: karl urban, fic: lotrips, character: viggo mortensen

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