{buffyverse} comfort

Aug 16, 2011 17:36

Title: Comfort
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing/Characters: Buffy Summers/Faith Lehane
Rating: FR15
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Notes: Written for midnightisclose for femslash11. There are brief mentions to pre-canon in the form of the original movie and the Origins comic series.
Summary: What happens between Faith and Buffy after they slay Kakistos.
Word Count: 1501

They awkwardly sit side by side on the edge of Buffy's bed both lost in their thoughts. Kakistos is dead. It means something different for both them and Buffy can't help but lose herself in thoughts of how she felt when she had finally killed Lothos. Unlike Faith's Watcher, Merrick had died by his own hand so she can only imagine just what Faith is going through. She tries to think about how she felt when she found Giles bruised and nearly broken in the mansion on Crawford street. It still doesn't come close to what she expects Faith is feeling.

Yet Buffy doesn't know what to say to Faith that won't sound like some sort of empty platitude. Instead she suggests that Faith have a shower. She's expecting Faith to say something about how stupid Buffy's suggestion that Faith spend the night at her house was but instead Faith nods and follows Buffy down the hall to the bathroom. She silently excepts the flannel pajamas that Buffy hands her before she shuts the door, leaving Buffy temporarily alone with her own guilt and thoughts about her own Watchers as well as Lothos and Angelus.

* * *

When Buffy looks up, she notices Faith standing in her doorway and she can't help but think how young Faith looks as she stands there with her face clean of the heavy make-up that she normally wears. She's surprised by how vulnerable Faith looks without her armour of tight leather pants, a tight tank top and her scarlet lipstick. Somehow Faith looks far younger than eighteen and Buffy wonders if her mother or if Giles ever see her like this. The moment is ruined when Faith scowls at her and walks further into the room.

"How's your back?" Buffy asks, needing to fill the silence between them.

"It hurts but I'll heal," Faith replies with a shrug. "That's the best thing about being a Slayer, we always heal."

Neither of them mention how some wounds don't heal, even with Slayer healing.

"I've got some ointment that I can put on it that'll help ease the pain, if you want," Buffy suggests.

"Sure, why not."

Faith plops down on Buffy's bed, before she stretches out on her stomach. Buffy watches as Faith pulls up the pajama top, exposing the expanse of her back. She swallows nervously before she moves towards her dresser and pulls out the cinnamon scented ointment that her mother had bought her. Buffy sits down on the bed beside Faith and she dips her fingers into the tiny pot of ointment, however she pauses in her actions as she looks at the smooth expanse of skin that's displayed for her.

She tries to tell herself that this should be easy, this is just her spreading ointment on Faith's back, there's nothing sexual about it but she feels strange, like she did when she touched Angel that first time before he turned into Angelus and everything changed. Faith turns her head and looks up at her.

"You okay B?" Faith asks.

"Yeah," Buffy mumbles and starts to smear the ointment into Faith's back.

The other Slayer grunts in response and turns her head again and Buffy tries to focus on anything but the sensation of Faith's skin beneath her fingertips. She tries to convince herself that touching Faith is just like when she gave Willow a backrub that one time but Buffy knows it's not the same as that. This is similar to when she touched Angel, when she ran her hands up and down the length of his back. The only difference is that Faith's body is much more softer than Angel's. (That and the fact that Faith isn't likely to turn into a soulless killer if Buffy were to take this father.)

But it's not Buffy who takes it farther, instead it's Faith who turns around and pulls Buffy down so that their first kiss is an uncomfortable mashing of their lips together. Yet it fills Buffy up with a wild sense of exhilaration. She shifts her body against Faith's and changes the angle of the kiss. When Faith nips at her lower lip, Buffy opens her mouth in a gasp giving Faith entrance to her mouth. The pot of ointment is dropped to the floor as Buffy slips her hand underneath the pajama top Faith is wearing.

Faith grunts when Buffy's hands stop just under the curve of her breasts. She pulls away from the blonde and Buffy's sure that her face is a bright red. Buffy expects Faith to mock her. Instead the brunette gives her a gentle smile before pushing some of Buffy's hair off of her face.

"It's okay, we don't have to do this," Faith quietly says.

"I like kissing you," Buffy admits. "A lot more than I thought I would."

"We can just kiss if you want," Faith tells her. "I'm okay with kissing."

Faith pulls her down for another kiss, her hand cups the back of Buffy's neck while her other hand rubs soothing circles against Buffy's lower back. The thought that she should be comforting Faith instead of Faith comforting her crosses Buffy's mind but when Faith traces her lips, Buffy finds that she doesn't really care who comforts who as long as this moment never ends. She sighs when Faith's hand slips underneath her t-shirt. And soon it's not enough. Buffy leans up and slips her shirt over her head.

"You sure, B?" Faith asks.

Buffy nods before she starts to unbutton Faith's top. She blushes when she's done, uncertain of how to move forward but Faith seems to understand and she pushes open the two halves, exposing her chest to Buffy's gaze. It's the first time that Buffy's actually looked at a girl naked like this before. Of course there were shy glances to see what other girls looked like, mere confirmations to assure herself that she was normal, but nothing ever like this. She feels her cheeks burn hotly.

Faith takes Buffy's hand and places it on her breast. Buffy thinks that her heart is going to beat right out of her chest when Faith keeps her hand on top of Buffy's and gently guides the blonde into squeezing. Buffy thinks that she likes how soft Faith feels in general and how she likes how she has more of an understanding of Faith's body than she ever did with Angel. She locks gazes with her Faith as she cups the brunette's breast, her fingers lightly squeezing the nipple. Faith softly moans and it spurs Buffy on to move her other hand to Faith's other breast.

The brunette lays there watching Buffy as she touches her. Finally Faith pulls her down for another kiss. Buffy thinks that she can't possibly want someone else more than she wants Faith in that moment, yet she's afraid to go any further. She's still afraid of what might happen afterwards. Rationally she knows that Faith isn't Angel (or Angelus) but emotionally she can't get past that barrier. Her hands still on Faith's chest and she pulls away.

"B, it's okay," Faith tells her. "Really it is."

"No it's not," Buffy says as she turns away from Faith.

Faith moves so that she's pressed up against Buffy and again the thrill of skin on skin makes Buffy shiver. She wants Faith so much but she's so afraid. It seems so ironic when she was the brave one earlier tonight when it came to taking down Kakistos. She looks up and sees their reflection in the mirror that hangs on her closet. Faith is looking at her with such a gentle expression on her face that Buffy almost doesn't recognize her. Buffy wishes that she could just stay in this moment forever when Faith wraps her arms around her, pressing her breasts firmly against her back.

"I really do want you," Buffy says.

"I know," Faith replies.

"But I am afraid."

"I told you that we don't have to do anything that you don't want to do."

Buffy's not sure why Faith's being so nice to her but she appreciates it. She would have thought that Faith would have been impatient when it came to sex. It's not until she looks into Faith's eyes in the mirrors and she sees the uncertainty mirrored in the other girl's eyes. Buffy realizes in that moment that they're both just as damaged by the past.

"Can we just go to sleep together?" Buffy asks.

"I'd like that."

Faith watches as Buffy shyly pulls out her pajamas and changes before turning out the light and crawling into bed. Buffy holds herself stiff on her side of the bed before Faith shifts and pulls her into a loose embrace. Buffy smiles in the dark when Faith gently rubs her stomach. They curl up into one another and Buffy thinks that she could get used to this, that she thinks that she might like having Faith as more than just a friend.


pairing: faith/buffy, community: femslash11, character: buffy summers, length: 1000-5000 words, character: faith lehane, fandom: buffyverse

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