{btvs} reckless abandon

Aug 09, 2011 19:54

Title: Reckless Abandon
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing/Characters: Tara/Drusilla/Darla
Rating: FR15
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Prompts: Written for slashmarks for the threesome round at femslash_minis. My prompts were the threesome along with seduction, bloodplay, pre-canon Tara and without non-con and changing Tara into a vampire.
Notes: Set sometime prior to the start of Season Four.
Summary: The night before she leaves for UC Sunnydale, Tara decides to have some fun.
Word Count: 884

Tara is entranced by the droplets of blood that trickle down the brunette's neck and into her cleavage. Normally blood would be something that would make her lose her stomach but there's something about how they look like drops of rubies on the brunette's flawless, porcelain skin. She shivers when the blond looks up at her, their eyes lock and Tara feels flushed.

She knows that this is a dangerous game that she's playing but she can't seem to stop. Instead of finishing her drink and throwing money down on the table, Tara follows the pair into a private back room. If her knees knock together because of fear or desire, well Tara doesn't feel the need to put a name on it. Right now, everything feels right, for the first time since she arrived in LA. And considering the fact that this is her last night (if she manages to survive it) before she transfers from UCLA to UC Sunnydale, Tara feels the need to make some memories.

The blonde smiles at her as Tara finally enters the room. There's something frightening about that smile, Tara knows there are far worse things out there, things that might not take into account the fact that this nightclub is supposed to be for all types of demons to peacefully co-exist within it's confines. Still the brunette reaches out towards her and Tara feels at ease.

"Hello little miss lovely." The brunette croons at her as she pulls Tara flush against her body. "The stars and moons have told me so much about you."

"Don't be greedy, Drusilla."

The blonde's voice is colder, sterner and somehow older. Yet the brunette, Drusilla, merely laughs at her.

"Don't be so hungry Darla," Drusilla imperiously commands.

Darla hisses and for a moment Tara thinks about bolting. The moment is gone when Drusilla's cool hands move up and down her sides. Tara finds that Drusilla's eyes are mesmerizing. If she looks deep enough into those eyes, she swears that she can see glimpses of her future wrapped up in the embrace of a beautiful red head but Drusilla blinks and Tara writes it off as nothing more than a silly flight of fancy.

Before she can say anything, Darla sidles up behind her so that she's pinned beneath their two bodies and it's suffocating until Drusilla kisses her and Darla playfully nips at her neck dulling the desire to fight or flee. Tara whimpers and fists her hands in Drusilla's curls. Darla's teeth are sharp at her throat and Drusilla hisses when she pulls back.

"She's far too important to be considered a tasty cake on the tea table," Drusilla admonishes.

Her tongue soothes where Darla's teeth hurt her and Tara trembles at the sensation. She knows that she's in danger, that no matter what she thinks she's feeling, that these two women aren't like her. They're not kind or generous or sweet. Instead she can recognize the underlying thread of danger that seems to run through even if she can't identify what they are.

"Fine," Darla agrees. "But what's good for me is good for you too."

The two of them pull away and Tara swears that she can see a flash of gold in their eyes. She takes a step backward, away from them and closer to the door, when Darla pulls her closer.

"You're safe tonight little one," Darla tells her. "I promise you that. But don't you want to play with us anymore?"

The crux of the problem is that Tara knows she should leave, that her chances of surviving playtime with either of them, let alone both, is very slim, yet Drusilla's pout is what keeps her there. Tara moves so that she can kiss Drusilla again and Darla's laugh is a throaty one.

"I knew you would want to play," Darla says.

Darla pulls her away from Drusilla and before Tara knows it, the blonde is suckling her thumb and it feels heavenly until she bites down on it. Darla's face shifts until Tara is truly scared. She pulls her thumb away from Darla and turns to Drusilla only to find Drusilla's face has also shifted. Yet instead of finding Drusilla's face scary, there's something about the yellow eyes, fangs and ridges that seem to soothe Tara. The brunette simply takes Tara's bleeding thumb into her hands and gently licks the blood away.

Darla pushes herself up against Tara.

"If you want to play with us little one, you have to accept the both of us and you need to accept us for what we are."

Darla's ice cold hands slip underneath the thin dark cotton top that Tara is wearing. Tara shudders at the sensation of Darla's cold hands moving against her heated flesh.

"Do you accept the rules?" Darla huskily asks.

Tara looks at Drusilla, who's demonic countenance somehow seems gentle, before she looks over her shoulder at Darla, who is seemingly all predator. She nods in agreement and is rewarded when Drusilla's hands join Darla' s underneath her shirt. The blonde witch decides that tomorrow she can behave rationally, tomorrow when she's miles away from this nightclub, Darla and Drusilla. Tomorrow she can berate herself for poorly made choices. Tonight she's going to lose herself in the lust that she's feeling.


character: darla, character: drusilla, community: femslash_minis, pairing: darla/tara/drusilla, pairing: darla/drusilla, fandom: buffyverse, character: tara maclay, length: ficlet

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