Lee Hyukjae's failed attempts at confessing (pt) 1

Nov 03, 2008 11:32

Title: LHFAAC (pt.1)
Pairing: HyukMin, KiHae, EunHae!friends, and special appearances of other members

"Just tell him already, it can't possibly be that hard." Donghae said, tired of listening to Eunhyuk sighing and shuffling around the dance studio. "That's easy for you to say, you didn't even have to say anything to Kibum, he just knew," Eunhyuk said as he threw himself onto the floor, hands coming up to cover his face. "Kibum is just genius, besides, I guess I was never good at being subtle," Donghae said as he joined his best friend on the floor. "I KNOW!" he suddenly exclaimed, launching himself at Eunhyuk. "I'll help you," he declared from his seat on Eunhyuk's stomach, which growled in protest. There was determined gleam in his eye, one that made Eunhyuk very nervous, but he was too afraid of what Donghae would do if he decided to go against his demand offer.

"Why am i doing this again?" Eunhyuk asked as he continued to beat the eggs as Donghae instructed.  "Because," Donghae said slowly, as if he was explaining something to a young child, "Sungmin hyung likes pumpkins, aaaand you're going to make him a pumpkin pie." "But I didn't think that pumpkin pie needed oranges and carrots and---" Eunhyuk was interrupted again. "Hyukkie, pumpkin pies are orange right?" Eunhyuk nodded, and Donghae continued. "So shouldn't we put more orange things in the pie to make it extra orange?" Before Eunhyuk could respond, the kitchen door flew open. Both Donghae and Eunhyuk were surprised to see Hankyung, who had been the reason for the door flying open. He took one look at EunHae (who, in their Eunhyuk's quest to making Sungmin's cake, had covered a majority of the kitchen in various ingredients, mostly flour and pumpkin seeds). Then Hankyung did something, neither of them had heard him do in a while, he started swearing. They stood stock still as he continued, slipping into his mother tongue, and watched as he flailed his arms about (if he hadn't been scared Eunhyuk was sure he would have started laughing) making indecent hand gestures, that were understood globally. Then he grabbed a knife from the stand on the kitchen counter and started towards Hyukjae and Donghae.

Later, Eunhyuk was sitting on the couch face buried in Sungmin's chest, trying to forget the earlier incident (Donghae had disappeared shortly after; Kibum had come like a knight in shining armour to his rescue).  Eeteuk was still trying to get Hankyung to calm down, "Hannie, it's alright. You know they probably didn't mean it. Look, Siwon managed to get most of the seeds and the--- what was that sludge anyway..." And then there was an occasional sniff from Hankyung. Sungmin was rubbing his back soothingly, and if Eunhyuk hadn't been so traumatized, he might have actually enjoyed having Sungmin's attention. "What were you trying to do anyway Hyukkie? You know how hyung gets, especially with Donghae in the kitchen." Hyukjae pulled his head up with a start, suddenly realizing that he was with Sungmin. He distanced himself from his hyung, biting at his lip nervously and eyes downcast.  “Hyukkie? Are you alright?” Sungmin asked, scooting closer. Eunhyuk lifted his gaze to meet Sungnmin’s. His eyes were wide, innocent looking, his lips like pink rose petals. A cool hand on his forehead brought Eunhyuk out of his trance. “You’re drooling, and your face is all red. Hyukkie are you sick?” Sungmin asked as he ran his fingers through Eunhyuk’s hair. A snort interrupted the two, and they both looked over to find Heechul, with a carton of Eunhyuk’s strawberry milk. “Lovesick is more like it,” he sneered before he took a sip and skipped out of the room. Eunhyuk shot up from the couch, banging his head against Sungmin’s before scurrying out of the room, leaving a pained and shocked Sungmin on his own. Once in his room, he threw himself on his bed, and proceeded to cry.

Operation CTSHWAPP (as named by Donghae, which stood for Confess To Sungmin Hyung With A Pumpkin Pie) = fail.

Donghae decided that it was best to wait a few more days before they should act again. After what occurred the last time, Eunhyuk was unsure if he should trust his plan. “Relax,” Donghae said as he socked Eunhyuk in the shoulder, “Kibummie helped me with this plan. It should work perfectly.” Eunhyuk, was busy slapping at any inch of Donghae’s arm that he could reach in retaliation, and didn’t realize what Donghae had said until a few moments had passed. “You told Kibum that I like Sungmin hyung?” he asked, and his attacks doubled in speed. “NO! I wouldn’t even think of doing that. Who do you think I am? Besides, I already told you, Kibum is genius. He figured it out on his own,” Donghae said as he stilled Eunhyuk’s hands. The latter was still surprised that Kibum had helped Donghae with a plan to confess to Sungmin. “Kibummie just wants to make sure that I won’t do something stupid,” Donghae said before pinching Eunhyuk, “-again,” he added in after thought.  When he noticed Eunhyuk’s sad expression, he threw his arms about his best friend, “Don’t worry Hyukkie, I’ll help you win your man!” Eunhyuk never felt so depressed in his life. Maybe he should have kept his mouth shut; his life would have been so much easier.

It was simple; Donghae would convince all the members that Eunhyuk was sick, on a day that Sungmin had no schedule, just so the two would be in the dorm. Alone. Then when Eunhyuk felt that the moment was right, he would spring the confession on Sungmin. Then after he confessed, he could have his way with him. “Besides, that’s what I did to Kibummie,” Donghae said, as he smiled up at Eunhyuk, who was pacing the room. Eunhyuk turned a violent shade of red and tried, for the fourth time, to escape from the room. Donghae (who has far too much energy and should stay away from anything caffeinated, was faster than anyone normal should be) effectively stopped his escape and he was once again pinned to the floor. “I know you’re excited about the plan, but I still have to convince the other members to leave you two alone, you don’t want another failed attempt do you?” Donghad said, as he tutted. Eunhyuk really wanted to cry.

It was a Tuesday morning, precisely 2:15 AM, when Donghae had deemed it the perfect day to confess to Sungmin. “God, Hae, it’s not a decent hour to wake people up,” Eunhyuk grumbled as he shoved at Donghae, who was in the process of squeezing him to death. He really didn’t understand how Kibum put up with this crazed person, honestly. After a few minutes (Eunhyuk had started to get lightheaded) Donghae’s arms had gone slack around Eunhyuk’s torso, and he realized that the younger had fallen asleep. Holding back a laugh, he snuggled closer to his best friend, and found himself going back to sleep as well. He woke up five hours later, to a cool hand against his forehead. “Is he sick hyung?” Donghae asked from his position on Eunhyuk’s right. “He doesn’t feel that warm Donghae, are you sure he has a fever?” came a concerned voice (Eeteuk?) from somewhere above his head. “He was tossing around his bed earlier hyung, and he looks paler than usual, and he’s all sweaty. There must be something wrong with him,” Donghae insisted. A pinch to Eunhyuk’s arm brought him to full consciousness, and he almost retaliated, when he met Donghae’s pointed stare. “Hyung?” he groaned, trying his best to sound sick, “Teukkie hyung, I don’t feel so good.” He squinted up at Eeteuk, as Donghae jabbered on about how Hyukkie sounds weird too! “Donghae, stop it, go get me the thermometer,” Eeteuk instructed. When Donghae had gone, Eeteuk continued to question Eunhyuk, where does it hurt exactly? Donghae came back, just as Eeteuk was examining Eunhyuk’s tonsils. Stiffling a laugh, he handed his hyung the thermometer, only for him to drop it when a shriek came from another room in the dorm (Donghae looked far too smug about the shriek and Eunhyuk’s eyes widened at how sneaky his friend seemed be getting lately). “Donghae-ah, check his temperature will you, then tell me. If it’s serious, we’ll take him to the hospital,” Eeteuk called as he left the room, grumbling about it being too early for him to be leader. Donghae’s smirk seemed to grow as he approached Eunhyuk with the thermometer. “Heechul hyung’s been giving him lessons again, hasn’t he?” he thought to himself as Donghae began fussing over him, making him look sickly.

After managing to convince Eeteuk that he did have a temperature, but he wasn’t going to die, nor did he have to go to the hospital because Donghae and Eunhyuk and Kibum(!?) believed that it was only a twenty-four hour thing (Teukkie looked skeptical because it was rare that all three of them agreed on anything. and when did Kibum become part of this conversation? and when did they become doctors?) Eunhyuk's schedule was cleared, and was left to wait for Sungmin (who was still in his dorm) on his own.

He had moved himself to the couch, so at least he had the TV and easy access the kitchen, if he really needed it. He had been there for about fifteen minutes before Sungmin came. “Hyukkie! Are you alright? I heard you weren’t feeling well, it’s a good thing that I don’t have schedule today so you won’t be lonely,” Sungmin said as he plopped himself on the couch next to Eunhyuk. And for about two seconds, Eunhyuk really felt like he was going to pass out. He was sitting so close, and all the blood seemed to rush to his head. “Wow, Hyukkie you’re really red. I’m going to make you some soup, okay?” and in a flash his hyung was gone. Eunhyuk sighed in relief, and hoped he would be able to hold himself together so he could confess. If not -- no there was no room for failure, besides Donghae would kill him if this went wrong.

Unfortunately for Lee Hyukjae, things were not on his side. Sungmin had been with him a total of two hours before he had finally worked up enough courage to confess. Sungmin was sitting next to Eunhyuk watching the home shopping network and contemplating on whether or not to buy the tea set they were advertising. “Hyung,” Eunhyuk mumbled as he scooted himself closer to the elder. “Yes Hyukkie, did you need something? Or do you want me to change the channel, I know how much this bores you,” Sungmin said as he turned his attention from the dancing bunny add that had just come on. “No… hyung I just wanted to tell you something,” Eunhyuk said, licking his suddenly dry lips. He took a deep breath, this was it, he had Sungmin’s full attention, at least for one and half more minutes until the home shopping network came back on. But just as he was about to, a very drunk Kangin (both Sungmin and Eunhyuk were incredibly surprised, besides wasn’t 11:29 too early to be getting drunk?) and a very angry Eeteuk clambered into the apartment. “Kim Youngwoon I don’t understand how the hell you came up with the idea that it was alright to go clubbing when it isn’t even midday!” Eeteuk was yelling as he struggled to drag Kangin into his room. Sungmin gave Eunhyuk an apologetic look before he leapt off the couch to help their hyung. Eunhyuk felt like dying.

part two.

confessions, eunmin, fic, kihae, super junior

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