Lee Hyukjae's failed attempts at confessing (pt) 2

Nov 03, 2008 23:33

    Title: LHFAAC (pt.2)
Pairing: HyukMin, KiHae, EunHae!friends, and special appearances of other members

“You SUCK!” Donghae exclaimed when he found out that CTSHWPS (Confess To Sungmin Hyung While Playing Sick) was a failure too. “How could you possibly mess up the plan Hyukkie? All you had to do was CONFESS!” Eunhyuk was too depressed to even pay much attention to what Donghae was yelling about. All he could think about was how close he had actually come to telling his hyung how he truly felt about him. How his heart was beating so fast and all could hear was the blood rushing to his head as he prepared to tell Sungmin that all he could think about was him, and how he wanted to give it a try because he had come to love him more than a friend. It was like -- “I bet Kyuhyun already confessed to Sungmin hyung, and if he accepted him, you’ve got no chance Hyukkie.” “What did you say Hae?” Eunhyuk asked, startled out of his mind state. The other sighed and plopped himself next to Eunhyuk on the bed. “I said, ‘I bet Kyuhyun already confessed to Sungmin hyung.’ He’s been planning to do so for the past few weeks.” And suddenly Eunhyuk tackled Donghae and the both of them were on the floor, Eunhyuk’s hands around Donghae’s throat (loosely, they were wrapped loosely around his best friend’s throat). “What do you mean Kyu confessed? What do you mean he’s been PLANNING?” he yelled as Donghae punched his sides and slapped at his arms. The sound of the bedroom door opening caused them to freeze.
Sungmin looked at the mess of limbs that was EunHae and smiled (Eunhyuk was completely mortified because from Sungmin's perspective, he and Donghae were in a compromising position) before informing them that he and Kyuhyun were going grocery shopping for their dorm and wanted to know if they wanted to come along. Donghae jumped up and agreed. Eunhyuk looked at his best friend the traitor and the love of his life and almost said that he would go too, but the thought of being with Kyuhyun, his new found rival, stopped him. "No it's alright, I think I'm just going to go to the studio to rehearse the new dance with Donghee hyung," he said as he too got of the floor. It wasn't until the two left the room that he let out a yell of frustration. He jumped onto his bed and ranted about how his life was unfair and how he wanted to strangle Lee Donghae and he how magnae should get romantic with people his own age, all the while continuing to jump up and down. After a good three minutes, he landed face down. While he was contemplating pushing Donghae off the roof of the building, his bedroom door was opened yet again. Looking up, he was surprised to see the resident Cinderella. “Get up,” his hyung demanded, and he followed. Soon he was in HanChul’s room seated on the floor (“My bed is too clean to have your stinky feet on it” Heechul had declared before shoving the younger onto the floor). Eunhyuk was wondering what on earth possessed Heechul to take him into his room when the other finally spoke. “I can’t believe you went to Donghae for help,” he said as he began filing his fingernails. Eunhyuk was about to say that Donghae had proclaimed himself matchmaker when Heechul continued. “Here’s what you should do…”

“Are you sure about this hyung?” Eunhyuk asked as he tugged on the ridiculously short skirt he was wearing. “Pffft. Of course. Besides Sungminnie likes bunnies right?” Heechul said as he adjusted the bunny headband that was on the younger’s head. Eunhyuk was about to protest when Heechul silenced him. “Don’t worry. You’ll get your man soon enough. I’m sure he’ll love the costume,” he said (was it his imagination or did Heechul hyung just smirk?) as he made Eunhyuk model the outfit. “Bunnies like other bunnies, and you know what bunnies do best right?” Heechul asked as he fixed the straps of Eunhyuk’s tank top. “You forgot your tail,” he called as Eunhyuk ran from the room.

Never listen to Kim Heechul.

Two days later, they were all scheduled to rehearse at the dance studio. “Alright-I’ve got another plan,” Donghae said as they were getting ready to leave the dorm. “No more plans Hae. I’ve had enough.” Donghae dropped his deodorant on Eunhyuk’s toe, and ignored the other’s yell of pain as he stared incredulously at his best friend. “What do you mean? You’re giving up?” Donghae asked, placing his hands on his hips. “No, I just figure I’ll do when the time is right. I just end up messing up the plan anyway, because I get too nervous. I’ll wing it,” Eunhyuk said as he left the room. “But this time it’ll definitely work!” Donghae yelled as Eunhyuk was putting on his shoes.

Practice was more difficult than Eunhyuk imagined it would be. When did hyung get so good at hip thrusting? He’s biting his lip again. He’s sweating an awful lot. “Hyukjae!” Shindong called from the front of the room. It took Donghae slapping his arm to get his attention off Sungmin, who was now staring at him strangely. “Hyung?” Eunhyuk called back. “What’s up? Your timing’s off. It’s making the rest of us lose count,” Shindong said, sounding incredibly frustrated. Eunhyuk couldn’t blame him. He had been constantly messing up the choreography since they had started practice. “Okay, we’ll take a break. Hyuk, go get some fresh air or something. Just be sure to have your head on straight when we resume practice,” Leeteuk said in his leader voice. Eunhyuk nodded before leaving the room, unaware of the set of eyes that were following his every move.

He was on the roof. Taking a deep breath, he studied his surroundings and noticed that though it was sunny, there were a few clouds. He found a part of the roof that wasn’t completely covered in gravel and laid down. Now he had a better view of the clouds. He wasn’t thinking about anything in particular, trying to clear his mind, so he could focus better on the new dance when suddenly Sungmin’s face was hovering over his. “Hyukkie!” Startled Eunhyuk sat up. Learning from past experience, Sungmin backed away, to avoid getting hit by a flailing appendage.

When Eunhyuk had calmed down, he noticed that Sungmin was sitting down too. “I know something’s bothering you Hyukjae, so I’ve decided that we aren’t going back to practice until you tell me what it is,” Sungmin said, his arms crossed across his chest and face completely serious. Wow, he’s even hotter when he’s serious. Shaking his head a bit (no more distracting thoughts please), he took a deep breath, when a loud bang startled the two of them. Before either of them could react to the sound, it started raining. “WHAT THE HELL?!” Eunhyuk exclaimed. Sungmin grabbed his hand and dragged him to the part of the roof that had a cover, to shield them both from the rain. By now Eunhyuk had had enough. Nothing was going to stop him from confessing to Sungmin, even if Kyuhyun had already done so. He turned to Sungmin, took his face in his hands, and brought his lips to meet his. Fear consumed him when Sungmin’s lips remained motionless, and just as he was about to pull back, Sungmin’s hands found their way to Eunhyuk’s neck, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. When the need for oxygen overrode his need to continue kissing, Eunhyuk finally broke the kiss. “Finally!” Sungmin exclaimed, face breaking into the widest grin Eunhyuk had ever seen. It took a few moments for Eunhyuk to process what his hyung had said, but when he did he was utterly bewildered. “What do you mean finally? I didn’t even get the chance to say-” “I’ve known for a while now Hyukkie,” Sungmin interrupted before wrapping his arms around Eunhyuk’s waist. “But how-” “Subtleness was never one of your strengths,” Sungmin said as he kissed the tip of his nose. “Okay, but I thought-” “That Kyuhyun confessed? No he’s more interested in Wookie,” Sungmin said as he kissed the side of his mouth. “How did you-” “I’m a genius,” Sungmin said kissing Eunhyuk square on the lips. “Alright, but you’re my genius now,” Eunhyuk said as he smiled against Sungmin’s lips. “I really like you hyung,” Eunhyuk said. “I really like you too,” Sungmin said his fingers lacing with Eunhyuk’s.

“Plan CETHCTSH (Confuse Eunhyuk Til He Confesses To Sungmin Hyung) is a success!” Kyuhyun said into his walkie talkie as he closed the door that led to the roof. “Really Kyu? Really?” Donghae’s voice carried through the small device, and Kyuhyun could just see his hyung bouncing around the dance studio.
“Yes. They even surpassed the initial goal.”
“They kissed? Wait til I tell Kibummie his plan worked.”


confessions, eunmin, fic, kihae, super junior

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