Jul 23, 2013 21:20
On Thursday we went over to Caths in the morning, and Alex enjoyed himself on her trampoline while I caught up on the NELLI meeting I'd missed. It didn't sound very interesting! We then came home, had lunch and later on the speech therapist came over. She spent an hour playing with Alex, who had a wonderful time, and said he'd come on loads since she saw him last and she was very happy with his progress. She also said he is now well within normal boundaries for a child of his age, another problem he has sorted out himself!
Friday was another quiet day, as we were still a bit under the weather. Mum, Dad, Lib, David, Stephen and Paul came over from 5:30, I fed Alex and Lib and then we went over to the DVLR. Amazingly Alex gave Lib no trouble and went off to sleep after his story despite all the coming and going. The DVLR 100th anniversary evening was OK, rubbish buffet, totally under catered, but I did catch up with a few people, including Anne from the University Stores. It was another one of those conversations that make me glad I don't work there any more!
On Saturday I spent the morning catching up with accounts, then left Alex with Mum and went to a special events meeting with Janice and Doreen. It was fairly routine, apart from Danielle having a dig about "tears and tantrums" over 60s weekend. Odd, as the tears were hers! I bit, and pointed out that of course this years figures were good, it was trading off last year, and if no-one turned up next year then we will know if the event is totally screwed. She also seemed to be arguing with me for the sake of arguing, but she didn't win as everyone in the room backed me on the poor quality of the Cavernites. I'd think I was being paranoid, but John Bruce passed a comment afterwards about her being totally on the defensive for the whole meeting. As I had some spare time Saturday evening I processed the 20 or so crab claws Rob had dropped off and then picked some strawberries. After that I smelt and was covered in red stains. Its not a good look!
Sunday was a lovely day, after a breakfast argument. We took Dad's mower (with Alex steering) in to the forest to get a load of wood chippings for the garden. We then spread them round everywhere we could reach, so my strawberry bedsa re finally mulched! After lunch we spent the afternoon rebuilding Alex's play house much to his confusion. The bottom was bowing as the 2 halves were badly attached, but there is now a whole lot of 4 x 2 under there. We also fixed the doors, took out all the windows, sealed them. put them back, sealed the floor and put lino down. It should be good for a while now! Alex gave up watching Mum, Granny and Granddad ruin his house and went off to do some painting with Daddy. At the breakfast argument Simon had forbade Alex any treats, so I was relieved to learn that Simon had take Alex for an ice lolly after lunch. The Weighbridge grannies tell me all sorts of things! After all that Alex again went off with Granny, so I had a quiet evening and we got home before 9.
Yesterday Ruth came over with the kids and we had a good morning chilling out and expanding the train set, then had a lovely lunch including crab cakes. Alex was a bit nasty, but his temperament improved the moment he had a crap, after 48 hours of holding it in! She set off, we had a quiet half hour and Simon got home. Cue me cooking and Simon playing with Alex in the garden.
Last night Alex yelled in his sleep every hour, I had period cramps and Simon was snoring, plus it was far too hot!
Today we've been swimming, then on to a clean up session at Earwigs. Cath and I sorted while Eva, Amelia and Alex played together, fairly well, so that bodes well for next week! I am exhausted, but as Simon is away I really hope I can get a full nights sleep tonight. Tomorrow may well be busy.