post Pennsic report and blog roll/call in

Aug 13, 2007 21:25

i got home from Pennsic yesterday (Sunday) but my first priorities were shower, food, and sleep (in that order).

i drank a lot of water, got the gel neck things when it was hot, and mostly took care of myself.  my only difficulties really being during pack down, which was hot.. took too long... and all the food vendors were gone by then....
but i took it very easy and got home safe and sound (if really in need of a shower)

Would all the good (or evil) folks i met during Pennsic please post a comment , and tell me WHO you are, WHEN we met at Pennsic, and WHAT you wear or bought so i can once again try to line up names, faces, and LJ handles.......
of course even if i already know who you are, you should post a comment so i can say "hi there"   back......

If you were at Pennsic and didnt get to see me, please post a hello anyway....

by the by, if anyone knows who the nice lady  was, who had an asthma attack / heat exhaustion attack and we had to get the Medics for.... and who left me the absolutely delicious fudge as a "thank you" please let me know.... if nothing else i want the fudge recipe!

pennsicwar, lj meet up, home safe, post pennsic, sca, pennsic

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