Friday Five

Jun 01, 2012 17:27

when reading a friends journal i saw this list of questions courtesy of a blog questionnaire.. so:


1. What is your favourite flower?
ouch. i hate picking favorites, i love most of them... hmmm debate debate... i guess barely.. that Roses wins.
mostly because Orchids i love for reasons other than their flowers (yes its odd, but i adore them for their growth habits and foliage, and general sciency weirdness... their flowers are merely a sign that i am growing them right)

2. Do you buy or send other people flowers for special occasions?
Sometimes. my dad loves orchids, so he gets orchids.. mom loves roses and african violets so she gets those..

3. Have you ever picked flowers from your own garden (or wild flowers, if you don't have a garden) to give to someone else?
yes, but i was much younger. my garden doesnt grow well these days, and we have no wildflowers nearby anymore

4. If flowers could talk (think Alice In Wonderland), which flower would you most like to converse with?
oh Orchids... totally. i mean all of them really, but Orchids ESPECIALLY.. they are so odd, so delightfully geeky!

5. Have you ever used edible flowers in cooking, or eaten one?
yes. in fact i grew nasturtiums for salad. i have eaten way more rose petals than anyone should... and i ate stuffed squash blossoms
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