Just like M&Ms or French Fries there is no such thing as a singular orchid....
oh sure, you may start with just one, but they are followed by "just one more" orchid in the same fashion as one potato chip is inevitably followed by "one more" potato chip... or "just one
BPAl imp" is inevitably followed by buying boxes to store your collection in.....
Now despite the fact that i have gone to only a few orchid shows, and have a mere six or seven orchid mail order sources bookmarked at any given time, i have somehow ended up with a perplexing number of orchids. i mean i collect miniature orchids for heaven's sake.. how big a collection can that turn into???
i can only come to the conclusion that orchids are related to yarn, and orchid shows have the same hypnotic effect as yarn shops. i SWEAR i only bought a couple of orchids at the New Jersey Orchid Society 2008 show on Sunday..... just a couple, really... but somehow when i got home i had.. umm.. a lot more. i mean they were really NICE orchids, and some very unusual orchids....after all there were some fantastic vendors there for such a small show (i found out about it from the
J&L orchids web page after all, and they are a truly dangerous vendor all on their own....) but i went with a strict budget......
now given that i did not buy all i wanted, and i put MANY orchids back, and yet i still have enough orchids from this show to have to consider adding more space to my orchid growing area...i feel i have to warn all of you to shop in teams. perhaps if we travel as a group we can figure out how the hypnosis is working......
oh wait, that never worked in yarn shops did it?