mod on hiatus

Oct 26, 2011 21:34

So, you all know as well as I have that I have been very inactive myself as of late. So so sorry. I got a job (YES!) and then a promotion (FUCKYES!!) so my hours have been stupid and I have been very tired. As a result, the community has been slipping a bit. Doesn't help my inactivity either that my main RP partner is now so busy herself and I came to the realization that Colonnello now is back to square one. In other words, A FUCKING LONER. A sad and yet oddly comical thought.

What was I doing again?

Oh yes.

Mod is going to be going on an official hiatus from October 27 - November 1st. As such, I will be away from the computer and won't be checking Twitter because I will be far too busy jumping in front of traffic, dodging mall cops and riding public transit and talking loudly you know, all the things those cool kids do.

So don't do anything I wouldn't do while I'm gone.

Wait, no. Bad example.

Don't do anything Colonne--

No, no, that's even worse.


Don't do anything Tsuna wouldn't do. Normal Tsuna. Cute, fluffy, cries over fear of puppies Tsuna.

I think the fact that I have to specify that means our roleplay has officially lost its innocence.

I am so proud. ♥

Have a good Halloween, my bitches. I hope you all have a truly horror filled day~ :D

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