Note from Elena-mun

Oct 24, 2011 00:17

I am so sorry for the unannounced hiatus, guys! hiatus. Dear Lord.

Quick nutshell: I took my driver's license test in old glasses, got eye strain like to the point of full-on eye damage, and couldn't get on the computer. It's still a little blurry but I think all systems are a go now.

There was no way to post a hiatus. I'm so sorry, guys. x.x Hope no one worried (hehe, yeah, right.) So. Shoot. One week left in the event? I could just about cry. orz No wait, lemme go sniffle a little. That's a tragedy. I call for a postponing of the switch back! /promptly shot

Kidding. Um. Yeah. So there's the lowdown. orz
Anyone...have a short synopsis of what I've missed, maybe? Especially concerning characters closely acquainted with Elechan? (Don't judge my lame nicknames.)
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