Nov 23, 2011 09:44
Alright, guys. You knew this was inevitably coming.
Mod herself is leaving the RP. I'm done. It has lost that charm for me and now being so super swamped with everything and being the most useless mod ever anyway, it is for the best.
I mean, I don't even come on here anymore.
If somebody would like to take over mod duties, feel free to message me. I'll send over my HTML and graphics and whatever else you may need. It's really just a figurehead position. You don't really do anything. Just maintain... two pages.
If nobody wants the job then the community will simply be deleted because this particular journal is simply going to be deleted. All I really need is somebody to push the community to. If not then it isn't like you all aren't capable of running as smoothly as you already are. You've already proved you don't need me around to keep yourselves active.
So, it was fun while it lasted guys.
Hope all your adventures are crack-y ones~
mod gob