May 26, 2010 15:28
I read and disliked The Alchemist. I'm sure that makes me completely incompatible with the human race. I can see why it's liked, but it felt a little forced. Too much tell tell tell and not even show. I like gentle, subtle, secretive. This felt a little too much like someone was hitting me very forcefully on the head. I got it. Personal something or other. Motivation. Follow your dreams. It's okay. I'm actually the most disappointed with movies that are motivational and heavy on the dream-following mantra. It seems so boring. Nothing's more boring than already knowing. And geez, MAYBE I DON'T KNOW. It angered me in the way that Aristole says that only certain people can be happy. He has some rules or a checklist of things that have to be in place for a person to be happy and if you don't meet those criteria, well, you're not giong to be happy. Infuriating. Rawr.
I'm also in a crabby mood. It should be Friday. Or maybe even Monday when I'll have my first FULL ENTIRE NO WORK ANYWHERE day off. It happened by default thanks to something called Memorial Day (right, that's the holiday? Labor day is the September one...). And I will be unpacking and organizing or just doing absolutely nothing and enjoying every minute of it. I mean, I love work and all, but work & I have been hanging around each other too much and I'm sort of thinking that maybe I'd like to wring it's neck if it doesn't give me some space. I mean that nicely, of course.
I'm currently saying that I am reading White Teeth. I started it approximately a month ago and stopped after 20 pages despite liking it very much. I don't know. Sometimes I just can't. Can't what? I don't know. It might be overdue at the library. I should check on that.
Okay. Friday. Please hurry.