Fic rec!

Nov 03, 2006 20:41

I have a rec for you all!

Once Like a Spark (Prologue and Ch. 1) (Chapter 2) by miss_begonia - SPN/ANGEL CROSSOVER
So this is an AU where Sam and Dean both work at Wolfram and Hart, but they are unrelated and meet early on in the story. Lindsey and Angel and the rest of the gang also make appearances too! I won't say too much so as not to spoil you, but suffice to say it is HOT and PORNY and FABULOUS. The pairing's Sam/Dean, with a side of Dean/Lindsey. It's AWESOME, yo, and you should all read it STAT. And then poke at her for a new update!

I bought a totally hotass Boondock Saints tshirt from Hot Topic, thanks to quietdiscerning who pointed out that it was on sale for 8 bucks! I wore it yesterday, in honor of Hot Guys Who Kill Evil With Guns Day. I kept looking down at my boobs and seeing Connor and Murphy and being really gleeful \o/ This is the one I got.

I totally need a Dean/Lindsey or Jensen/Chris icon. Cause, YUM.

dean/lindsey, wincest, crossover, angel, fic recs, bds, supernatural

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