"10" Things I Love About SN 1x03 Bloodlust

Nov 05, 2006 22:22

So, a la ignipes, who writes the most marvelous lists about episodes, I'm going to do a list of my own for Bloodlust. Because I just can't get over how many things I love about this episode. I really can't. It's ridiculously amazing, and definitely my favorite episode of the show thus far.

(Just as a warning, my reactions are liberally laced with Wincest, as that's how I watch the show - if you don't like, you might want to move on)

1. The previouslies. I've been told (being the classic rock idiot that I am) that Journey's really just a big joke and KRIPKE WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?? but the song itself works quite well. It serves its purpose. And oh, Papa :(

2. I love that the victim is another girl with long hair in white clothes. I'm starting to think Kripke has some issues with this particular image. Hmmm!

3. I love that we full-on see the decapitation, if from a bit of a distance. That body topples gorgeously! Yes, I am a sick puppy :)

4. BACK IN BLACK!!!! Oh man, the transition from the title to the beginning chords of that song NEVER fails to bring tears to my eyes. METALLICAR WE MISSED YOU BABY! *licks her up and down* *as does the camera* That is some hardcore car porn there, folks. And man, I am not complaining.

5. I love that Dean/Metallicar is canon. "If you two wanna get a room, just let me know Dean!" "Aw don't listen to him baby, he doesn't understand us."

6. I love that I can't hear "Got my car, got a case..." without mentally tacking on "got my brother". Because honestly. If Sam wasn't in that front seat, would Dean be happy? I don't think so.

7. I LOVE THE SHERIFF. His voice, his mustache, his skepticism, his laugh - he's just absolutely perfect.

8. I love Dean's ridiculously expressive and adorable face. "...over half a dozen cases. *headtilt with eyebrow raise*" and "You know like Satanic cult ritual stuff? *I can't describe it but you know the one!*" and "Nnno. *little head shake, eyes closed*" Oh! *explodes from cute* And how he stays so deadpan and stoic through the whole thing, barely reacting to this guy laughing in their faces - Sam is all incredulous that the guy didn't see the connection and then baffled when he cracks up, but Dean's just like *sigh*.

9. I love our boys in suits.

10. I love the hilarious and very informative explanation for "cattle mutilations." "But hey, it could be Satan."

11. I love "Heh, I'm new."

12. I love the distinctly flirtatious vibes between Dean and "Jeff Manners." As soon as Dean speaks, Jeff stands up with this gobsmacked huge smile. I mean, who wouldn't be stunned to see JENSEN ACKLES walking up to their desk? Mmmguh.

13. I love our boys in doctor coats. LIKE BURNING.

14. I love Sam's amused little smile as Jeff scampers out the door.

15. I love how natural the exposition feels in this ep. There's no pretending that one of the brothers doesn't know what's going on and the other has to explain it (witness "Give me the lowdown again?" in Hell House). Instead, they make casual unexplained references to past cases (fic! fic! Someone write fic!) that the other understands, and we get the POINT even if we don't get the whole backstory. And earlier, when Sam says "Give you a couple severed heads and a pile of dead cows and you're mister sunshine," that's a very clever way of sneaking the general gist into the conversation without hammering us over the head. YAY SHOW!

16. I love the passing of the rubber gloves. They just work so well together! *happysigh*

17. I love "So much effed up crap happens in Florida." AMEN, Dean-o!

18. I love the boys being such brothers. "You open it!" "Wuss." And then Dean turning the head so it's looking at Sam, and eventually convincing Sam to do the actual dirty work. Sam is SUCH a little brother, it's ADORABLE.

19. I love how Sam is still not completely desensitized - his first reaction is "Wow, poor girl." with a pained, sad expression on. That's partially because ew, severed head! But he also is genuinely distressed that this girl lost her life.

20. I love how pleased with himself Dean is when he makes movie references. He's so CUTE. And makes me want to watch Silence of the Lambs just so I can know what the hell he's going on about. I also love that he whaps Sam on the arm.

21. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Jared's delivery of "What?! You want me to throw up, is that it?" Cracks me up every single time. He's just so WTF about it.

22. I love the boys rumbling up in front of the bar in their sexass car. I love the Significant Glances they give each other, even though it's not all that important of a moment. They're so overdramatic, it's adorable and I hearts them.

23. I love how much they seem like a couple. I mean, they just give off this vibe of togetherness - it's awesome.

24. Related, but deserving its own number, I love how the boys (especially Sam) turn the bartender's implication into something about themselves - the bartender meant they were looking for girls, but Sam looks at Dean for quite a bit longer than is necessary as he smiles and replies with "Yeah, but um, that's not what I meant." It's like he's saying "True, but I'm not lonely. I got him." It's the most adorable thing ever.

25. I love how beautiful Sam looks in this scene. How when he looks down, his eyes are completely shaded. It's absolutely gorgeous. I also love how he's automatically the one that does the talking. Everybody trusts Sammy!

26. I love Dean drinking from a beer bottle. It's really sexy. Bonus points if Ash drinks from it afterwards.

27. I love the boys' silent communication. After the guy gives them his "tip" (aka, misdirection), Dean looks at Sam, who does a little flicky thing with his hand, signalling "we're done here" and they split. Aww.

28. Oh my god. I love, LOVE, Dean and Sam walking into a back alley like it's the most natural thing in the world. I WONDER WHAT THEY WERE PLANNING ON DOING BACK THERE. Also, I love that somehow they've managed to mutually communicate an awareness that someone's following them, without saying a word. It's a really stunning example of just how fucking GOOD these guys are, especially as a team. I also love how easily they get the jump on Gordon, and that they do it together, and that they look REALLY REALLY hot while pinning a guy against a wall. Nngh.

29. I love how we're supposed to think the camera zooming up behind him is the boys, then he turns around and it's not, but I always think "Oh NOES, the CAMERA MAN!" *giggles*

30. I love Gordon. I do. I mean, in terms of the role he plays. The actor is very good, in my opinion, and he creates exactly the right tension between the boys.

31. I love how agressive and scary Sam is, and Gordon's "Easy there Chachi." Even if I don't fully get the reference, it's said amusingly. Plus it's a funny name. Thank you to Mona for explaining it to me :)

32. I love that Sam and Dean have a great reputation. It makes me happy in my tummy. People appreciate them! Respect them!

33. Oh oh oh oh oh my heart. I love (in an achey way!) Dean's face when Gordon says "Guess there's a lot of things your dad never told you." OW. There's just this beat where you can see him dying a little inside. I can't WAIT for that payoff - I'm so desperate to know what John told him!

34. I love how Sam looks in this scene. Young and beautiful. (FYI, I LOVE Sam's new hair. It's beautiful. And I have nothing against his forehead, as many seem to :P)

35. I love Sam's slightly puzzled look at Dean when Dean says "C'mon man I've been itchin for a hunt."

36. I love the lighting in this scene. Though I don't know what light source would actually cause that kind of backdrop, it's stunningly gorgeous, so I aint complaining. I also love the second of eyefucking there at the end.

37. I love that Gordon's El Camino is so inferior to the Impala. Crazy bastards dont get hot cars.

38. I love how Gordon's leg obviously hits the supposedly spinning chainsaw. Oh show, NEVER CHANGE.

39. I love that Dean now gets to take a turn beating up someone with a long hard object held in two hands like a quarter staff. It's REALLY HOT, and would only be improved by Dean also being in a tshirt like Sammy was. Nngh. I also love the punches Dean throws. They're very forceful, he flings his whole body into them - well done Jensen! And yes, Dean doing violence is hot, so sue me :P

40. I love how hot Dean looks splattered with blood.

41. I love Sam's broken wee FACE. He's scared of his brother, and he hates it. I also love that Dean doesn't break eye contact with him. His eyes are just... deadened. What a charged moment.

42. I love Dean tossing back a shot. It's hot.

43. I love what an emo little bitch Sam is to Gordon. I think he is entirely justified, and I'm just cheering him on in the entire scene. OH SAMMY.

44, 45, and 46. "He's the only one that gets to call me that." !!!!!!!!!! DFLKSJDSFKLJ!!!! That line STILL drives me to INCOHERENCE. I think it is my favorite line uttered by either of them EVER. Which is why it gets three points of love, because !!!!!!!!! It's basically, "He's mine, I'm his, BACK OFF." The most heartwarming and gorgeous thing ever, evereverever.

47. I love Dean's pleased little smile when Sam says that. He is so on board with the possessive thing. Sammy (both the name and the person) is HIS. And his alone. Gah.

48. I love the way Dean rubs at his eye and then gestures in the air in fond exasperation when Sam says he's leaving. It's so cute. It's just, "Oh there Sammy goes again, being emokid." Hee.

49 + 50. "Sammy. Remind me to beat that buzzkill outta ya later alright?" This is the delicious coda to the "only one" line, thus sealing this scene as the slashiest one, um, EVER. I cannot hear anything out of this line other than "Remind me to fuck you against the wall later alright?" I mean - HONESTLY. What ELSE could he mean? I usually understand what they mean by slashy lines in a canonical sense, but this one? I just.. it's so sexually charged! And punctuated by that beautiful toss and catch of the keys. I love how Sam glances at Gordon, like, "Dean!! He knows we're brothers, subtlety is a virtue!" HEE. I love this scene, with all my heart!

51. I love "Nah, he just gets that way sometimes." I'm not even sure why. Just in light of what just happened, I dunno - it's like, Dean is so intimately acquainted with every up and down of Sam's mood. And they are so attached at the hip. Oh oh. *loves*

52. I love how Dean talks with his hands.

53. I love wee!chester canon details. I know there's been some wondering about this, but I personally thing that Dean's just talking about the first time he decided to embrace hunting, not his FIRST HUNT. I feel like his first hunt would have happened quite a bit sooner than that.

54. I love how Dean smiles when he's talking about John at first, because if he doesn't he'll probably cry instead

55. I love how Dean's voice breaks on "nothing can kill my dad." Oh, DEAN! *clutches to chest* This peek into his head is so, so good, and so, so hurty. "Can't talk about this to Sammy." YES YOU CAN DEAN!! Also, "Sammy" again!

56. I love Sam's conversation with Ellen. Especially "Don't do that Sam." It's such an abrupt switch in tone, it's hilarious.

57. I love how Gordon's black-and-white speech, and the whole "Is this right, is that wrong" thing makes me think of Dean and Sam and incest and just how fucking grey that is. I also love how immediately Dean brings up Sammy again. That boy is never out of his thoughts. I love it.

58. I love that look of danger on Dean's face when Gordon says "Doesn't seem like your brother's much like us." I always think "Uh oh, Gordy, that's where you start to go wrong..." cause dude. It's DeanandSam, don't go dividing them in any way. And the "it's in our blood" comment - makes me wonder how that relates to whatever The Secret is. Hmmmmm!

59. I love Sam's self-deprecating little laugh after he gets in the hotel room after his little bout of paranoia (obviously justified, as it turns out).

60. I love Sam laying the smack down on that vampire. It's HOT. I also love the phone dinging as it knocks Sam out. Hee.

61. I love the gorgeous shot as they're driving over the bridge. The burnt orange of the sunset juxtaposed with the dark blue water. Stunning.

62. I like Amber Benson's performance. It doesn't knock me out with amazing, but it's good. I think I've still got lingering disappointment, because I was expecting much more kickass out of her.

63. I LOVE how snarky tiedup!Sammy is. He's so brave and inyourface - it's hilarious and awesome and GO SAMMY! \o/ "Yeah, Eli, that's enough!"

64. I love Dean's little smirk when he says "I guess we'll have to search the other half." He looks so young and excited.

65. I love the encore of the cute little eyerub. Poor Dean is so worn out! And it's actually the same reason - Sam's being Sam. Hee.

66. I love Jared's acting in this whole scene. He's so top notch. *gives him a gold star*

67. I love how the Gordon-Ellen bit of the argument reminds me of nothing so much as "Dad said this" "Well MOM said this! So NYAH!" Sam's super bitchy there, it's awesome. There's a prime example of the bitchface when Dean says "You called Ellen?"

68. I love the PUNCH. Oh man. Dean has just been rumbling with anger and rage and hurt right under the surface, and Sam pushes his buttons enough that he finally lets go. And I love that Sam pointedly does NOT react in a physical way.

69. I love Sam's quiet little "Dean" as Dean stalks away. Despite his control of the situation just a moment before, his BIG BROTHER just PUNCHED him, and he is a little thrown, a little lost, a little "...Dean, don't you love me? I'm your Sammy!" Grabs at my heartstrings and tugs, it does.

70. I love "He snaked the keys!!!!" It's delivered with such melodrama, it's fucking HILARIOUS. So overdone. Oh Jayred! His acting-fu was worn out by the previous scene. But only temporarily!

71. I love the orgasm-worthy growl the Impala makes as she starts up. Mmmmm.

72. I love Sam's kidnapping-victim-fu. He rocks hardcore, man. And I love Dean's grudging acknowledgement of that. It's as much of an apology as he can muster, but it is one, in Dean-speak. The real apology comes later, again in Dean-speak but a bit more complete. I also love how "you're a monster pain in the ass" resonates with the ending.

73. I love the creepy music as Gordon and the boys are driving towards the farm. It's got the same feel as the music at the end - it's the Bloodlust theme! And it's really awesome.

74. I love, LOVE LOVE LOVE, how Dean looks over at Sam, looks away, and then Sam looks at Dean. I love it in and of itself, but I also love it because it parallels an identical moment between Mal and Inara in Firefly, who are the epitomy of UST, and just... there's so much crackling in the air betwen Sam and Dean, and they're not quite connecting but they want to, and oh. It's just so much love.

75. I love how Dean puts his hand on Sam's chest to stop him when he starts to advance on Gordon. They are such important checks on each other's tempers.

76. I love Gordon's snark - "I just sharpened it, so it's completely humane." He's so off base, but in that moment you want to agree that Sam's being ridiculous. Even though he's not.

77. I love how Dean's voice goes all low and dangerous as soon as Gordon points the knife at Sammy. You do NOT touch his little brother, or threaten him with deadly weapons. That immediately puts you on Dean's "To Kill" list. In a continuation of this theme, Dean drawing the gun when Gordon grabs Sam is hotasfuck.

78. I love Dean's utter disbelief when Gordon reveals that he killed his sister. That is so far beyond Dean's comprehension, it doesn't even compute. Gordon says Dean wouldn't flinch? Dean would more than flinch. In fact, he might even let vampire!Sam kill him, because he'd be that broken. Oh, ow.

79. I love Dean ejecting the clip from the gun, even though it's a stupid move, because it is hot like whoa. Hee.

80. Again with the things unsaid. "You doing this for a fang?" No, he's doing this for his BROTHER. I doubt Dean would be so vicious in this whole thing if Gordon hadn't held Sam at knife point, even spilt his blood. You hurt Sam, you face the wrath of Dean.

81. Of course, I love Dean walking Gordon's head into a wall. "Oh sorry." HEE!

82. I love Sam scratching his head in bemusement after Dean wails on Gordon. And "I'm good now. We can go!" And Sam's little huff of amusement. Oh boys!

83. I LOVE "Sam. Clock me one." Now THIS is Dean's apology. This is his way of settling things - Sam got a fist in the face, so Dean should too. From Sam, that is. Words can't fix what he did - what he did was violent, crossed the line, and he feels horrible for that. Wants to make it better the only way he can think of. And Sam's amused, surprised reaction is just adorable. And his sly "I'll take a raincheck." HEEEE! I repeat - Oh boys! Sam has forgiven Dean entirely - he knows Dean's a mess, and he wants him to work through it any way he can. He's willing to be the punching bag (literally and emotionally) if that's what it takes. Oh, SAMMY. You are the BEST.

84. I love how shiny the top of the Impala is.

85. I'll say it again - I love the music in this last scene. It's so unique and peaceful and oh. I hope I somehow can get my hands on the instrumentals at some point!

86, 87, and 88. LOVE: "Yeah. Cause you're a pain in my ass." "Guess I might have to stick around and be a pain in the ass then." "....Thanks." "Don't mention it." OH OH OH! MY OVARIES! MY HEART! *goes boom* I just... I can't even! How gentle Sam is, without being too touchy-feely about it - he says it in exactly the way Dean needs to hear it, exactly the way that won't make Dean run or do the "no chick flick" shut down. He even goes to get into the car, ready to cut the moment off right there because he knows Dean doesn't like to go there. But it touches Dean exactly right, so much so that he responds with "Thanks." !!!!! Sam is there for Dean, so unconditionally, and I love that Dean finally outright acknowledges it. I also love how Sam is caught off guard by the thanks, and you can just see how quietly grateful he is for it, but again he doesn't turn it into anything huge, just nods and accepts it and moves on. It's very low key and very Winchester and just PERFECT. Sam has finally, FINALLY realized that without him Dean would crumble into pieces, and therefore of COURSE he's going to stick around. I just... I could not love them any more. (Ooh, I just noticed this - I love how Sam is playing with his bracelet as they're talking over the roof. It's so cute!)

89. I love that shot of the sun behind Dean. Mmguh.

90. I love the Impala zooming off in a cloud of dust and gravel, with the beautiful sunrise behind the trees and the music gone so it's just the beautiful purr of her engine and the tires on the road. Absolutely gorgeous closing image.

And this concludes my INCREDIBLY long list of things I love about this episode. That seriously got... very long. I'm sorry? I just love literally every single second of this episode, so. I hope you enjoyed it, anyone that made it this far! Hee.

spn - ten things, spn - bloodlust, supernatural s2, supernatural, episode reactions - spn

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