Ugh. My Monday/Wednesday/Friday mornings are like a freaking mental yo-yo. I start the day by waking up at 7 AM and my mind can be best described as "bleurgh." Then at 8 I've got organic chemistry, and for an hour my mind is on high alert - "What's he going to ask us next? Which reaction was that again? What's a good base but a bad nucleophile? Oh
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HEE. I just remembered the most cracktastic idea I had for a music vid last night. So I was listening to Christina Aguilera's "Ain't No Other Man" (It's a great song, and a great album too!) and wondering what the hell kind of guy could live up to all that praise? And my mind went: DEAN. Cause honestly. He's pretty much the perfect man, yeah?
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THIS PICTURE ETA: NO!! THIS PICTURE!!!! may or may not be my current desktop. GUH. (New one linked by mcee, from the Season 1 DVD website! Go to her journal for more!! *DED
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Breathe by mkitty_03 An absolutely gorgeous Dean vid with a focus on how important Sam is to him. Very polished and thoughtful and pretty. Go check it out! :)