Weekend recap. Complete with pretty Keanu.

Jun 19, 2006 09:19

Hi flist! Hi! Hi!

So here I am at work, nothing to do until someone decides to kill a rat. So I've caught up on my flist, and now it's time to post! \o/ After this I'll read the Wincest and the BOY MEETS WORLD SLASH (yes, you read that right) that I've got open in other windows. I am really starting to warm to this getting-paid-to-LJ notion. And yes, 'LJ' is a verb.

(Just looked over my shoulder and the guy behind me is checking out some message board, so I don't feel even a smidgen guilty anymore! Yay!)

So this was a fun weekend. It was Father's Day and Meg's birthday yesterday, which is just so cool. Meg and Jeff went to Detroit for a friend's baby shower and to go to IKEA, and they had a great day, which is awesome :) Then they came home and there were presents and both Meg and Jeff liked what I got for them, so yay. I got Meg Something's Gotta Give and As Good As It Gets and I got Jeff (and Meg, it was kinda a thank you present for taking me in for the summer) the new Tool CD. There was Chinese food and brownies for dessert and it was lots of fun.

So apparently this weekend was a Keanu weekend. Saw two movies with him in them, and I gotta say, he's let himself go in the past three years. But three years ago, he was STUNNING.

So Meg and I went to see The Lake House on Friday evening. I hadn't been to the theater in a long time, so that was fun. I gotta say, I did like the movie. It really isn't up my usual alley, and I was like... where are the guns? the knives? the blood? the heart-stopping action sequences? the slashy love? WHAT'S GOING ON??? But despite all its shortcomings, the movie still managed to make me very worried at the end, meaning that I did care about the characters, so, that gets it some points. I thought Sandra Bullock did a lovely job, she was very sweet and sympathetic. Keanu, though, really isn't the most brilliant of actors (this isn't news) and while usually the pretty can distract me from that, he's gotten kinda... blurry around the edges. His face used to be so sharp and cleanly defined and smooth and sexy, but now it's rounder and his skin is blemished and basically he's just not the greatest eye candy anymore. Alas. But I still liked his character, he was a sweetheart.

In terms of the movie as a whole, I thought the premise was cool and unique and interesting. The movie lost momentum when it got away from the main concept and got bogged down in boring conversations between Keanu and his family members (his brother could NOT act, and his relationship with his father just... didn't matter to me) but it didn't do that TOO often so it was okay. Overall, quite enjoyable, and it didnt feel like a wasted evening.

Then last night I watched Something's Gotta Give with Meg and Jeff and it was AWESOME. Hilarious and touching and just what a fantastic movie. Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson did a fabulous job, obviously (I mean, hello, Oscars!) and it was just a great movie. I cared about all the characters, I laughed so hard I almost peed myself, and I was never ever bored. So, yay!

And KEANU. Oh. My. God. SO PRETTY. So so so so pretty. The kind of pretty that steals my breath away every time it's on screen. He had the most gorgeous haircut (floppy and adorable and I wanted to tangle my fingers in it SO badly) and every outfit was sexy as fuck (um, he was a DOCTOR. That white coat? *fans self* And the black turtleneck he wore, nnnngh. And the blue TSHIRT. And and um I may have died from the hot). He was prettier in this movie than in the MATRIX. Basically he exploded my ovaries time and time again. And so I must share the pretty with you.

LOOK. JUST LOOK AT HIM. *falls over* I plan on making an icon later because GUH. And maybe a screencap picspam :D

internship msu, summer 06, keanu, cousins, movies

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