(no subject)

Jun 20, 2006 14:11

I love Sam and Dean. Period. I know I'm not by any means alone in that, but this is more a 'thoughts are bubbling around in my head and I'm bored while waiting for this rat artery to equilibrate so I'm going to get some of them down in my LJ' kind of post, more than an 'omg REVELATION' post, so. Sam and Dean. And their "us against the world" dynamic. JUST Sam and Dean, you understand, not Sam and Dean and John. Because while yes the last three episodes were intense and awesome, they were missing something inherent about the rest of the season that I loved so very much - SamandDean. It's why I watch. To see their undivided attention given to each other, the acres and acres of LOVE that is just so obvious. The Wincest dimension is almost irrelevant - I just want to watch them, as brothers, take on the supernatural.

But that really can't continue. For the sake of the show in the sense that it's a TV program, keeping it to the same two characters would not keep anyone involved in the *making* of it happy; it leaves no avenue for new actors, it keeps Jen and Jared worked to the BONE, and it severely limits storylines. So, I understand, intellectually, that new people have to be added to the mix, that the show has to go somewhere beyond "two guys in a car".

But I don't WANT it to. I'm being stubborn and irrational but I want my SamandDean Show, godammit. I realize that I might like whoever they bring in (god I hope they cast well if there's a girl added - some girls just make me want to yank my HAIR out. On the other hand, some make me want to snog them breathless - see Faith, Kara, Scully, Hermione, River. So it's not like I hate female characters, obviously. I just haven't been tickled by anyone they've had on SPN so far, except Jess and kind of Sarah) but it still won't be the SAME. Especially without the Impala! I really am so worried about that, because the Impala is a HUGE part of the atmosphere and attitude of the show (the sound of those doors creaking open and slamming shut, the engine rumbling to life - orgasmic, seriously) and I can't imagine what other car they're going to drive now, and how that will affect the show.

*sighs* I'm worried, guys. I want NOTHING more than a show that I fall in love with first season and follow for many years. I would have sold a kidney to be born earlier and do that with Buffy, follow it as it aired. Because I've never (!) gotten to do that! The closest I've come is Lost, and I've all but completely lost (har) interest in that show. So I'm hoping that Supernatural is it, that these boys continue to own my heart for years to come. I'm just scared that they're not.

Hold me?

(How pretty is this icon? It's by enginedriven)

meta, supernatural

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