
Jun 17, 2006 22:42

What an awesome day!

Things acquired, whether by shopping or in the mail:

  • Flaunt magazine, featuring one Jensen Ackles as this month's Flaunt Boy
  • New purse
  • Monty Python and the Holy Grail T-shirt (score!)
  • X-Files Season 3 (YES!!)
  • Birthday card for a friend
  • Entertainment Weekly magazine
  • A whirly gadget thingamabob sent as a fun present by my friend Rob

    Now is that an awesome day or what? What truly made it awesome though was that I got to spend lots of time with Meg. We had a girl's day! \o/ We went to a nearby town called Williamston with my aunt Anne to visit a great fabric store there (they had so many fabrics, and so many really fascinating ones! That was fun) and also a cute little book store (looking for Flaunt magazine, though that was a failed attempt). I sat and read the first 60 pages of Christopher Moore's new novel, which is awesome and deeply reminiscent of Good Omens, which is a good thing :) Then we came home and had lunch, and then Meg and I headed out again. First stop was Target, where she needed to exchange her watch, and we wandered into the clothes section (um, oops? :)). I tried on some really cute summer dresses but they just didnt fit right, alas. However, in the mens section right by the fitting room, I found a Monty Python tshirt, for 10 bucks, and the last one was a medium, so I snagged it! That's one of my favorite movies ever (see Top 5 meme! hee) and I just had to have that tshirt :D I also picked up the cute purse there, and the bday card. Then we headed over to Schuler books and there was Flaunt! \o/ The pictures of Jensen are the GORGEOUS Michael Muller ones, and they're huge and glossy and already up on my wall and I LOVE THEM. And then I come down to my laptop and sitting next to it are a package (X-Files YAY), Entertainment Weekly, and a letter from Rob!

    So how was your day, darling flist? :D
  • summer 06, rl, cousins, jensen, x-files

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