Jun 17, 2006 01:26

So I finally finished answering the prompts for the Top 5 meme! WHEW! Only took me like 4 days! Yikes. I was gonna do pictures for more of the categories, but it took me long enough to do the ones I did, so, uh, get over it? :P And I also reserve the right to not answer some topics just cause I have no opinion on them (uh, kitchen utensils Rach? :P) or I couldn't think of 5 or I just couldn't be arsed! Hee. Anyway, read, enjoy, comment, make all this work worth it, pretty please?

Top 5 Songs (of the moment - for alazysod and avioletmermaid
1. KANE - The House Rules
2. Placebo - Blind
3. Placebo - Post Blue
4. Theory of a Deadman - Hello Lonely
5. KANE - The Chase

Top 5 Movies - for alazysod
1. Serenity
2. Boondock Saints
3. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
4. The Princess Bride
5. Velvet Goldmine

Top 5 Books - for alazysod and avioletmermaid (Series count, since the books I like often come in series)
1. The Rowan series by Anne McCaffrey
2. The Sarantine Mosaic by Guy Gavriel Kay
3. His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman
4. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
5. Harry Potter (particularly PoA and OotP) by J.K. Rowling

Top 5 Things to Do When I'm Bored - for avioletmermaid
1. Read my flist
2. Watch a TV show on DVD
3. Make icons
4. Write in my journal (both LJ and my physical journal)
5. Listen to music

Top 5 Supernatural Moments - for weasleytook
1. Mary appearing to Sam and Dean in Home. I think that scene is done absolutely gorgeously, and it brings me to tears every time.
2. The whole climactic scene of Devil's Trap. Ow ow ow. My HEART.
3. The motel scene at the end of Nightmare. "As long as I'm around, nothin bad is gonna happen to you."
4. The argument in the car in Bloody Mary about Sam using himself as bait - "Hell, why don't you take a swing at me, I'm the one who dragged you away from her" "I don't blame you" "Well you shouldn't blame yourself!" I love - LOVE - how shocked Sam is simply at the IDEA of blaming Dean.
5. In Dead in the Water, Dean telling Lucas that he was scared too after his mom died, and that he knew she wanted him to be brave - and Sam listening in with tears in his eyes.

Top 5 Firefly Moments - for weasleytook (I TRIED to not make them all Simon and River, I swear I did! But I really did watch the show through that lens, and I know all their scenes the best. So.)
1. Simon and River's talk in "Safe" - "You gave up everything you had to find me, you found me broken. You gave up everything you had..." "Mei mei. Everything I have is right here."
2. The whole beginning of "Objects in Space," when River gets a peek into everyone's head. "I would be there right now" breaks my heart, and then the tree branch that's really a gun.... yeah, I love that episode
3. Zoe and Mal deciding they have to have sex at the end of "War Stories," and then awkwardly trying to kiss. And Wash taking Zoe away, saying "We'll be in our bunk." HEE!
4. Mal opening the big shiny crate and finding out that it's a River in a Box! But seriously, Summer's acting in this scene, her fright and shock and lost-ness, and then how Simon pulls her into his arms... oh oh oh. Gets me every time.
5. In "Ariel," Simon using the machine to look at River's brain: "She feels everything. She can't not."

Top 5 Sites I Like To Visit - for weasleytook
2. Whedonesque
4. Jane Espenson's blog
5. Veritaserum

Top 5 Pictures of Jensen and/or Jared - for fragglebo (I couldnt narrow it down to 5 of either, so I did 5 of each, plus one gratuitous Jsquared :D)




Top 5 Wincest Moments - for crystal_lily
1. Sam slamming Dean into the wall in "Salvation," and Dean's heart-on-his-sleeve moment, and Sam thudding his massive hand into Dean's chest, and Dean's FACE when Sam turns away
2. Not!Dean saying "Your brothers got a lotta good qualities. You should appreciate them more than you do." in "Skin"
3. In "Faith," when Dean shows up at the motel after checking himself out of the hospital, Sam's face LIGHTING UP with joy to see his brother (it's quickly suppressed but definitely there), then Sam helping Dean to the chair (note that Dean doesn't shrug him off - he only does that in public)
4. In "Devil's Trap," after the demon leaves Papa, when Sam steps OVER Papa and runs to Dean's side. His voice is so high and panicky.
5. In "Nightmare," when Sam's telekinetic powers kick in because he sees Dean getting killed in his vision. Whoa.

Top 5 SPN Fics - for crystal_lily (These are Gen, because there's a Top 5 Wincest later on)
1. Never Summer by ignipes
2. Rings of Smoke Through the Trees by trollprincess
3. Winchester Dentistry by ladyjaida
4. This broken jaw of our lost kingdoms by lyra_wing
5. The only people for me are the mad ones by ignipes

Top 5 Pretty People - for crystal_lily

Jensen Ackles

Eliza Dushku

Katee Sackhoff

Norman Reedus

Sean Maher

Top 5 TV Characters- for crystal_lily
1. Dean Winchester
2. Brian Kinney
3. Faith Lehane
4. SimonandRiver Tam (shhh)
5. Kara "Starbuck" Thrace

Top 5 Places I'd Go On An All-Expenses-Paid Vacation - for ignipes and daysoflo
1. Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas (been there once - amazing)
2. Switzerland
3. New Zealand
4. Italy
5. California

Top 5 Little Things that Make Me Happy - for glamorous_nymph
1. Getting a lot of comments on things I've made, or just my LJ in general
2. Supernatural (is that little? well, it makes me happy)
3. Crushed Oreos
4. Hugging my daddy
5. Music

Top 5 Bands - for glamorous_nymph
2. Fall Out Boy
3. Panic! At The Disco
4. Foo Fighters
5. Green Day

Top 5 Wincest Fics - for glamorous_nymph and theaeblackthorn
1. Every Broken Thing by mona1347 and poisontaster
2. Four Seasons by raina_at
3. In Miles, In Laughter, In Strife by lyra_wing
4. People Livin In Competition by ladyjaida
5. Stumbling Across Its Bleak Ending by esorlehcar (and everything else she's written in her 'verse, including the companion piece to this one)

Top 5 Hottest Guys - for mad_about_dan

Jensen Ackles

Gale Harold

Ewan McGregor

Christian Kane

Jared Padalecki

Top 5 Supernatural Episodes - for mad_about_dan
1. Home
2. Salvation
3. Pilot
4. Devil's Trap
5. Nightmare

Top 5 TV Series - for mad_about_dan
1. Supernatural
2. Firefly
3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
4. Queer as Folk
5. Battlestar Galactica

Top 5 Favorite Things People Have Said About Me - for mad_about_dan
1. When people are surprised by my age, because they've only gotten to know me by my mind - this happened in my college english and math courses, and also online a LOT (especially a few years ago, when I was 16 and people were guessing I was 25). It's very flattering.
2. What John Portlock wrote in my yearbook the year he left. He was my assistant soccer coach, and an amazing friend, and what he wrote just made me cry it was so sweet. I can't remember specifics right now, but there was something about my smile and how talented I am. *wibbles* I MISS him.
3. Any time my daddy is proud of me.
4. Mike has said repeatedly that I'm beautiful and is baffled that more guys don't take notice. Aw Mikey.
5. Mona and Erin proclaiming that I can, indeed, write porn! \o/ Heehee.

Top 5 Favorite Fonts - for theaeblackthorn
1. Decker
2. Courier (T1)
3. Violation
4. Cataclysmic
5. Windsong

Top 5 Icons, like, EVA - for theaeblackthorn

by dark_velvet

by zoicite

by darkeyedwolf

by me! :)

also by me :)

Top 5 LJ comms - for theaeblackthorn
1. spnnewsletter
2. winchestercon
3. 10variations
4. super_summer
5. supernatu_icons

Top 5 Celebrity Couples - for daysoflo (uh, I'm going with not necessarily real couples. Cause I don't care about all that tabloid crap. I just care about the slashy goodness :D)
1. Jensen/Jared :D
2. Jensen/Christian
3. Ewan/Hayden
4. Dan Radcliffe/Emma Watson
5. Jared/Sandy (How adorable are they, honestly)

Top 5 Reality Shows (Ever) - for daysoflo
I can honestly say I've never watched 5 minutes of Survivor, and I've seen Real World maybe twice... basically I hate reality TV, so, not answering this one :)

Top 5 Favorite Foods - for daysoflo
1. Crushed oreos (preferably in ice cream or on cheesecake)
2. Broccoli (I love broccoli, okay?)
3. Eggs (particularly fried or scrambled)
4. Apples (Gala, preferably)
5. Special K (no, not the kind Brian meant :P)

Top 5 Favorite Lyrics - for daysoflo
1. "Sorry to burn so unexpectedly" - Kane, Track 29
2. "And I have learned, that even landlocked lovers yearn for the sea like navy men" - Death Cab for Cutie, Brothers on a Hotel Bed
3. "How many hearts will die tonight?" - Dallas Green, Hello, I'm in Delaware
4. "What a wonderful caricature of intimacy" - Panic! At The Disco, Build God, Then We'll Talk
5. "The ice is thin, come on dive in, underneath my lucid skin" - Sarah McLachlan, Ice

Top 5 Characters I'd Pair With Dean - for theaeblackthorn (she went over her 5 limit, but she had some cool topics, so :P)
1. Sam! Duh :D
2. FAITH. Crossover OTP, baby
3. Kara Thrace
4. Connor MacManus
5. Lindsey MacDonald (mmmmm)

Top 5 Fandoms, like, EVA - for theaeblackthorn
1. Supernatural (Best. Fandom. EVER. Hands down.)
2. Queer as Folk (it's a bit disorganized, a bit wanky, but I've met some really awesome friends through it, and I had a great time in it)
3. Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern (really my first "fandom", I guess - I was in a Neopets guild dedicated to this book series, and we would talk abotu the books and create characters in the universe, and it was SO MUCH FUN. I loved that guild and those people)
4. Ewan McGregor (Ah yes, the man who is a fandom unto himself)
5. Firefly (the little show that could!)

Top 5 Scenes from Anything of ALL TIME - for theaeblackthorn (This is a toughie, and probably not at all accurate. But I'll try. Limiting to one scene per fandom.)
1. Supernatural - Demon!Daddy torturing Dean, and then Sam's dilemma. So fucking powerful.
2. BtVS - Buffy and Faith fighting in Graduation Day pt 1, ending in Buffy stabbing Faith.
3. Serenity - The whole climactic scene, but especially 1) Simon getting shot and River breaking down over him (owowowow) and 2) River kicking some Reaver ASS. Amazing.
4. Moulin Rouge - Roxanne. Still brings me to tears.
5. BSG - Kara and Lee's reunion after she thought he was dead in the Miniseries.

Top 5 Things Within Nature - for the5thmarauder
1. Wild cats, such as the ocelot or leopard. So gorgeous.
2. Trees blooming in the spring. The world is just so transcendently beautiful during that time.
3. The Swiss Alps.
4. Sunset
5. Snakes. They're awesome, okay?

Top 5 Things I Miss About Being a Kid - for the5thmarauder
1. My old house. The first one I really remember. I lived there for about 8 or 9 years and I loved it.
2. All my neighbors from the old house. Sean and Max especially.
3. Simplicity! Lack of responsibility!
4. Practicing HANDWRITING was homework. I had so much fun doing that, lol *dork*
5. My parents still being together

Wow, that was a LOT. I hope you all know that I love you, and appreciate it! :P


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