everythings great......right now!

Jul 30, 2005 09:43

super tired from staying up late this whole week trying to maintain a long distance relationship!! ya i know everyone on the planet is telling me they don't work but i honestly don't want to hear it....because theres always a chance.

i'm so excited because i get to see him next weekend and my uncle said he coould ride home with us so get to be in a car for 6hours with him. and odds are i'm gonna pass out. but its ok. i would right more but i don't want to annoy people with boyfriend talk. even though he's completely awesome ! and i can't wait to see him in 5 DAYS!!


im so excited i've missed her like crazy!!! i've literally left her a message EVERY SINGLE DAY!!

i hate her mother for taking her away from me!!

IM going back to BLONDE TODAY !! well only if my hair says ok my hair might be to fried!! oh well still exciting!

SAmi has yet to get her fucking phone fixed!! i've just become used to the fact i can't get ahold of her!

I called alx and i still miss you. if i wasn't so busy this weekend i would definetly try to get together with you but maybe in like two weeks!! k babe i miss you like crazy.

me and my mom had a talk and it looks like i wn't be moving skools ne way. i decided i would miss the friends i have to much and i want to spend four years with them.

i hope everyone is having a great summer. i miss everyone i don't see at sumemr skool and fro those i do i'll see you monday!!have awesome weekend!

I love you all MWAH!!
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