you win or you die.

Jun 03, 2011 10:37

billy (who is amazing, fyi) is chilling right now so imma ramble about game of thrones, okay? spoilers, obvs.

my thoughts are too random for this to have any sort of flow, so here come some bullet points.

• harry lloyd absolutely KILLED IT as viserys. in the books, he was just completely vile, but on the show he was both vile and somehow kind of sympathetic, and i give a lot of credit to harry. dudes named harry are clearly magical (see also shum & potter). obvs they couldn't have decided not to kill him, but i was sad to see the end of him, if only for harry's incredible performance. his death scene was fantastic tho!

• actually, everyone in essos is fabulous. emilia clarke is flawless as dany, obvs, and jason momoa is not only SMOKING HOT but is also rocking it as drogo. dany/drogo was an otp for me in the books and is even moreso on the show, despite the absolute travesty that the show made of their wedding night. also in essos: jorah is way more attractive than i imagined, but i adore him. and rakharo can get it, but isn't it supposed to be jhogo with the whip?

• also: shouldn't dany look a little bit pregnant by now?

• mark addy was terrific as robert. i'll miss him.

• the amount of screentime not being given to the hound is bumming me out tremendously. ros (roz?) is super hot but i'd really rather have some lines for rory mccann instead of seeing her tits AGAIN. i'm still incredibly disappointed that they had littlefinger tell sansa how the hound got his burns. :( also, the fight between the clegane brothers was badass and beautifully choreographed (sandor instantly taking a knee at the king's command!!) but i randomly hated that it took place in silence. i wanted chaos and people screaming, dammit!

• sean bean is awesome. the end.

• so is peter dinklage. and bronn, too, tho i always imagined him as kind of dashing and sexy and the actor is neither. oh well.

• they must really like alfie allen, huh? theon gets more screentime than the stark boys. he's actually perfectly cast, imo, but i could do with less of him right now.

• tonks as osha is nothing like i imagined her but i'm enjoying her a lot anyway.

• SYRIO FOREL!!! :D love him. and he made me even more excited to eventually meet
my other fave ~exotic dudes, jaqen and the red viper.

• everything at the wall is fab. jon and sam are the cutest brotp!! and the old bear is EXACTLY how i imagined him.

• ahahaha renly and loras. adore!! i like that they decided to totally abandon the subtlety of those two in the books and make them suuuuuper gay. also i love that loras is sort of lady macbeth-ing it. or whatever. you know what i mean. also: blowjob! \o/

• i'm excited for grrm's ep this week! :D (i am also dreading it, based on events which presume will be occurring.)

• how are there only 3 eps left?!?!? SADNESS. but i am already excited for S2! bring on the maid of tarth!!! ♥

• cannot wait to see the reactions from the unspoiled audience on upcoming events, as shit gets infinitely more real.

• also cannot wait to see the final scene from the book, about which i will not say any more because: spoilers!

in other hbo news, i have time warner cable, which means i do not yet have access to hbo go, which means i am in a perpetual state of rage. also, i'm cautiously psyched for true blood. book 4 was my favorite of the series so i hope they don't fuck it up TOO badly.

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via ljapp, game of thrones, asoiaf

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