Oct 05, 2005 17:05
Mmmm indecency and lack of consideration. How great is it. I mean like, isn't it wonderful when you are treated with one or both of the two? OMG @ I love it >.< So yeah, I had to do a lot of coding for security reasons of the game I run and I got to doze here and there, but for the most part, I was awake until like 8-9 AM in which I finally get to sleep. My brother calls 123123 times and then busts in our back door and comes upstairs and won't stop until I have woken up to let me know that he has busted in because he was near and needed to use the bathroom?! What the hell do I care? I mean, first... why the hell do you bust into someone's house?! What the crap is that? And then... I told him, I'm sorry but I just went to sleep at like 8 or 9 and you know what he says? "Oh well you've have like 4-5 hours of sleep, you'll be fine." Not like "Oh I'm sorry I woke you up, you must be tired" or anything at all... I should be fine? I'M TIRED AND YOU WOKE ME UP TO USE THE BATHROOM! Are you joking? Omg... yeah I am cranky, but I can get this way when I am tired and something stupid like this happens... I'll calm down but I needed to vent it out >.<
Oh yeah, and once I am awake, there is no chance of getting back to sleep. It doesn't work that way, seriously. If I have had more than 3 hours of sleep and I am woken up, going back to sleep is a joke.