Here's what was...

Feb 02, 2009 10:05

Monday mornin'! Another week! Before we can look forward, let's pause to recall the weekend.

Friday night: at work a little late, mainly relaxin'. Made and ate dinner, noodled online a bit, including chat with salami_salome, then tried to call bonnykate. She was already on the phone with another friend, and we were both tired, so we postponed catching up until another time. I crashed out hard, from about 11 p.m. until 10:30 or so the next morning. Ahh.

It was a lovely sunny morning, and the cats were spending some good quality time snuggled in with me, so that was kind of awesome. Eventually I shifted them around enough to get out of bed, and have breakfast. My day was pretty unformed until the evening, but as I ate breakfast I came up with a plan. I showered, got ready for the day, and got out of the house to run, oh, 1:30 or so. Got a few essentials at Target and then headed to the Old Greenbelt theater to take in a matinee of Doubt, which I really enjoyed. The performances really were all that, and I liked the tense plot development and small scale. It was a movie that lends itself to conversation, which is sort of frustrating when you've seen it alone, but it's leaving the theater this Thursday so this was my last shot. And it was worth it. After that, headed home and put away the stuff I'd gotten at Target, then noodled around a bit before calling people to arrange rides up to the Wharf Rat for the evening. Eventually it all settled out and I picked up neonnova and kittenscribble and we headed into the city. Eventually we found parking only a few streets away and walked in - to find it nearly empty! I was torn: on the one hand, yay! On the other, was my favorite bar in the city falling on hard times? But it filled up eventually, so I think all in all things are fine. We laid claim to the back section even though the fireplace wasn't lit up yet. Eventually we were joined by msteleute, necrocannibal, bizarrojack, booyeah, dharshai, traceracer, and Laura and Ben who defy all logic by not having LiveJournals. So it was a nice crowd, and even though they don't have the super-awesome Tom-Waits-heavy jukebox they used to, they have a nifty digital one now that had a good selection. $5 gets you 13 songs, and we all just relaxed and chatted. Then, they came to start up the fireplace and at last, my Wharf Rat experience was complete.

Yeah, so that was a good idea. We'll be doing that again.

I had my two beers (and some of their delicious, delicious broccoli bites) and then a Diet Coke and a few hours left me fine to drive. Headed home a little after midnight, dropped off K&K, hung at MsT and NC's briefly, then went home and sacked out.

Got off to a slooow start on Sunday, so I skipped Mass again and went to Starbucks, where I sat outside to read and it was glorious!! Then I did my grocery shopping, went home, put stuff away, opened the windows to the cats' delight, vacuumed to the cats' chagrin, then closed the windows again to head to my folks' with laundry. We had a nice diner and conversation, and I stayed a bit later than usual, not having much interest in the Superbowl this year. I got home and turned it on with ten minutes left in the game, saw Pittsburgh was up 20-7, said, "Well, that's that" and switched it off. More the fool I! Ah well. I can go back to not caring about football until September, and possibly not even then! (Me = total fair weather fan.)

Now it's a new week, and a busy one. At least the little "weather event" tonight sounds like it's not going to cause too much trouble. My guitar instructor's on vacation this week so in lieu of guitar tomorrow night I am doing a double red blood cell donation at the Red Cross. Huzzah!


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