almateria (63)

Jun 13, 2007 10:24

using PSP8. May not be translatable. Image heavy!

Duplicate base. Set to softlight 50%.


Duplicate base and bring to the top. Set to screen 100%.


Duplicate base and bring to the top. Set to screen 100%.


Set #FF0000 to luminance 20%.


Set #95E6F7 to burn 55%.


Set #F7B195 to multiply 100%.


Set #F7959A to softlight 100%.


Duplicate base and bring to the top. Set to luminance (legacy) 100%.


Duplicate base and bring to the top. Set to screen 100%.


Go to Layers > New Adjustment Layer > Color Balance. Set midtones red to 25 and midtones yellow to -15.


Go to Layers > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation/Lightness. Set saturation to 30. Set this layer to luminance 30%.


Duplicate base and bring to the top. Set to softlight 55%.


Play around with the opacity if your icon is too dark or too light. Please don't copy exactly. Thanks for reading :)

Icons made using this tutorial

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type: non-request, program: paint shop pro, user: almateria

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