HBO love

Jul 16, 2010 11:04

I just started getting caught up on Big Love and I am delighted with the new opening credits. Fucking GORGEOUS.

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I loved the old opening credits and part of the DVD was a behind the scenes look at the filming and it was just so cool that they put so much thought into it. It has to be the same guy who did Six Feet Under's opening credits- which I also looked forward to very much. I can't even breathe until it hits the 29 second mark.

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I think every one loved the Sapranos opening credits but that was more about the song than the actual song+visuals, same as how they used Clash/Johnny Appleseed for that surf/time traveling show that was canceled. Deadwood's opening was all about the horse for me and always seemed to run just a tad too long. Sex & the City's opening was distinctive but not art- same as Seinfeld's. An honorable mention goes to FX's nip/tuck and the new kid, Justified. missbabyblue informed me that gangsta blue grass is its own genre now, which is awesome.

You guys have any faves? Seriously- link them. I think a good set of opening credits can be more fulfilling than a full length Mel Gibson movie.

Here's one of HBO's greatest moments. Not for the faint o heart. I loved that Oz's opening credits mostly sounded organic to the prison. This is not those credits. This is why I love JK Simmons.

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