Just sayin'/here there be drama.

Aug 23, 2010 17:23

There was some recent LJ drama that was so beyond the scope of acceptable that when the persons involved (9thmoon and machiavelli_f) went on full alert and threw a large net of suspicion and caution, I didn't blame them a bit for battening down their hatches. I figured it would eventually get sorted out and other than dropping a note to Mach, I stayed the fuck out of it. I couldn't even imagine how fucking pissed off and upset they had to be. I didn't even drop either of them from my journal until about five minutes ago because I was certain this issue would be resolved.
I have now been informed by Mach that they are "99.9% sure" that I did the Awful Thing and since we share a lot of common flisters I wanted to tell you guys that I had nothing to do with any of it. Not to say I don't have the time on my hands, but I sure as hell don't have the malice, and technologically speaking there's much better ways of accomplishing the end result. The whole thing was unbelievably fucking mean and sloppy and pointless.
I would love it if they would please share with me what evidence they have of my involvement, and this entry serves as a look-see for anyone from their journals who aren't friends of mine who wants to drive by and see what sort of sad-sack-piece-of-shit they think would do this to them. Apparently, *this guy*.
And here's the thing too- I share a LOT with you guys. I sometimes change slight details involving Dutch and his job because I have to, but I don't censor myself. And any of you with google could walk up and knock on my front door. I'd like to keep that level of honesty and trust with you guys and from you guys-- so-- here it is: I did not do it.

And I'd love to know who did and WHY.
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