Jun 25, 2010 17:06
Dutch is really involved in a website that offers simultaneous (text)chat and live cams with audio.
It's funny because there is a literal subtext to whatever conversation is going on over the mic.
My head just exploded as I overheard some asshole, like the assholes I've been arguing with on news message boards, ask why the fishing boat Capt would kill himself if BP had hired him and his boat to work for them.
It makes me want to SHOOT PEOPLE myself.
My PMS this month is epic. Not only do I want to stuff my face with total crap (candy and chicken) but I am very short tempered. I WANT TO KILL and if I am going to be killing I want to kill people who refuse to offer any level of compassion or interest in the Gulf Oil Spill because that's something I care about. Fuck soccer.
I want to fuck Thad Allen in the rectum with a bucket of fried chicken.
And I making this post public in case BP Cum Swallower Thad Allen wants to stop by and read all about it.