There's a series of commercials being run on local radio stations to promote suicide awareness. The one that makes me yell out loud in my car features a woman who sadly declares that she didn't realize that depression could lead to suicide until she lost her husband. Hey lady - you are an IDIOT. Who do you think kills themselves - happy people
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Apparently the new trend in school photos is having the photo studio send the children home with 9 sheets of pictures (3 different poses, multiple different sizes). Parents then choose which sheets to keep and which to return. So apparently my childs' pictures are worth $12/sheet if I keep them but are sent to the shredder if I return them. That
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1) Despite the promised snowpocalypse, we got nothing. It was a little rainy, a lot cold, and now it's all done. In fact, it's so pleasant, we've opened the balcony doors so the cats can get some air
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Still waiting on the results of the interview. The week of limbo is nearly complete. This whole process - from the first phone call 'til now - has put me off my routine. While I dearly hope I get the job, I really just want to get back to my life, whatever that means
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I knew that one of the day care days this month was going to be a Thursday. Idiot that I am, I thought it was this week because for some reason I thought the 14th was on Thursday. WRONG
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I spent a hellacious 10 minutes earlier today wrestling a hysterical, screaming EM Jr during the diaper change process. Needless to say, poop went everywhere. Can I have a damn job already? Please?! I want to go back to work!!!
The biggest news is that we have a new (to us) car! My parents just upgraded and have passed down their oldest car. It's not the best in the whole world but it solves a lot of logistical problems. Never again will I be stranded at home with no way of getting myself & EM Jr somewhere. We will transfer title & insurance in the late summer, when
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