Thoughts at 3 AM

Apr 12, 2008 02:53

Update on things

1) Books on my nightstand table - and then there were 8.
I finished _Furies of Calderon_ which amstrock had given me as a surprise the other month. Butler is a good writer but I may be a little echhh on the fantasy genre at the moment. Or maybe it was the gruesome violence that was too heavy for me in my "delicate state"? Not sure. I put it down and then had no wish to buy the sequels.
I'm currently slogging my way through La Leche League's breastfeeding book, which is useful on that topic but literally larded with attachment parenting dogma. I have no objection to people who follow that parenting method, but I hatehatehate books that suggest that I'm totally fucking up my child's emotional development if I don't do everything they say.
On a lighter note, I've started reading _You Suck_, which is a funny story of teenaged vampire lovers knocking around in San Francisco. So far it's breezy - and I love the brief crossover with _A Dirty Job_.

2) Mailed out our tax checks this afternoon. *sigh* That's what savings is for. OTOH, the annual salary increase (cost-of-living raise) kicked in this check, which made a happy (little) counterpoint.

3) I'm insomniac tonight - was tossing and turning while sweating like crazy. Maybe this is just some freakish pregnancy thing? In other pregnancy news, Fry has been kicking something fierce - it totally trips me out to see my belly wiggling from within. I'm getting HUGE - it's nearly to the point where I can balance drinks on my belly.

4) Work this week was mostly frustrating, though I did manage to wrap up one major project that has been hanging over my head for months. Most of the week I felt like I was spinning my wheels. I must have done some work, but it didn't feel like I was accomplishing anything. Finally, Friday PM I tackled some small items on my to-do list. Crossing them off the list felt GOOD.

work, fry, books

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