Where Have All The Designers Gone?

Jun 04, 2010 21:39

I always thought that being successful in California was hard, but being a graphic designer in California was even harder. Since I was given the a-ok to hire two graphic designers; I have had 2 interviews and 1 cancellation. Who the hell cancels an interview to a job they applied for? Above all, where are the great designers? Probably working is what I assume. I keep getting these mediocre and under experienced designers applying for junior positions. I always felt that I was a so-so designer; but I never stopped to really think about, "Who am I comparing myself to?"

I don't meant to toot my horn, but I keep getting asked if there is a possibility to clone myself. A request for 2 additional me's has been made. I feel really honored to be where I am right now. I was given another tiny raise and moved to salary. The owner of the company also said that at the end of the year, depending if I pull us out of this mess, he would like to re-visit the raise and increase it. At some point, I'll also be getting a company credit card. I have been so lucky lately, I'm almost afraid that there might be a 'catch' somewhere.

I have a lot of work. No, I'm not being dramatic. I have a catalog of 155 pages and two catalogs of 55 pages that need to be done in one month on top of ads, emailers and web graphics. The catalogs are what make my heart want to jump out of my throat. The 155 page catalog is 50% done and the other two haven't even been created. I have 16 working days to get ALL of these done. FML. I already know I am coming in on Saturdays until this is done. I've already come to terms with it and am totally fine. The previous art director was NOT working at full speed. She had April and May to work on this and she only got 73 pages done of the 155 and 0 of the other 2 catalogs. WTF was she doing?! This is what upsets me, that she was so incompetent but no one did anything about it for 2 months! I've had several people tell me "You were the first to question her, why didn't we listen to you?" - thankfully, of all the people, the owner was the first to admit fault to me personally and apologized up and down the hall about how he didn't treat me the way I should've been treated and how horrible he feels about it.

Right now I am so happy about where I am that I am completely fine with working beyond my sanity levels. My husband is an angel (I'm not kidding) about putting up with my work rants and listening to me go on about what I have to do. I am seriously the luckiest woman alive. He even got up early this morning to make me breakfast and pack my coffee.

Life my dear friends is freakin' fantastic!

Now, for July to come so we can be in Florida and visiting Disneyworld!!

catalog, graphic design, promotion, manager, interview, raise, work, life

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