Thursday Thirst

Jun 10, 2010 14:07

I am thirsty for sleep. I haven't been getting enough rest but mostly because I start watching tv and lose track of time, then next thing I know, it's 11pm and I need to start getting ready for bed. Then I wake up and am distracted by the cat or by my husband holding me in bed. Who in their right mind tries to peel away from their love in the morning to get up and start the day? A crazy person, that's who.

Our CD account acquired a total interest of $10, laughable, but it earned more interest than if I had left it in our savings, where the possibility of that being spent on something else was high. LOL
We should be receiving a check for it soon, hopefully 90% can STAY in savings, but we both also agreed we need to donate a lot of our clothes and get some new digs. I need more 'work' clothes and he's been lucky with my family showering him with clothes and undergarments through holiday & birthday gifts. We both need new shoes and I desperately need running shoes- badly. I went jogging with my last good pair of sneakers and I came home with a blister at the sole of my foot. Eww.

I hired on two designers at work already. One I am really happy about and one I am not THRILLED with, but she seems easy enough to manage and I know she wouldn't ever say "no" to something I ask her to do. I had a friend come in and I gave him a project to take home, but he didn't meet his deadline, instead he gave me excuses on why he was late. I didn't want to have to worry about that at work, and most of all, I didn't want to have to fire him if I had hired him and he pulled something like that. Oh well, I tried to bring in someone I knew so that I felt like I was giving back as a designer and helping other artist grow, but I guess people just end up taking advantage of that type of situation. Either way, I am off to a good start, haven't missed any deadlines and I hope to keep it that way. I have been doing 11 hour days and I'm sure it'll keep being that way until at least mid July.

I do miss being home when my husband gets out of work or me being able to pick him up and just going home to rest. I am making it a thing though, that after every hard earned paycheck I receive, we are going on a date. Since I just got paid, we're going to do a romantic dinner at a restaurant in Dana Point by the beach. We will cuddle up on the sofa and watch a movie and enjoy each others company. I'm going to make one of his favorite dishes for dinner this weekend; homemade pulled BBQ pork sandwiches. I haven't used the crockpot in a while and this dish definitely calls for it. At some point, we'll also go see Shrek in 3D; perhaps ride the bikes over to downtown disney for it.

My mother, thankfully is working again. Although she is stuck having to do overnight work, right now, she's got it pretty good. She's taking care of Michelle Pfieffer's mother. She should be going home tomorrow for her weekend off, but from what I hear, the lady is a chain smoker. My mom says there are family pictures, but the lady keeps them all in her bedroom, not out in the open. I haven't spoken to her recently, so I don't know if she's had a chance to meet her yet. Either way, it's funny because my mom was really excited about not having to do a lot of work. The lady prefers to dine out for dinner and she has already told my mom that all her meals will be paid for, along with the food they shop for. My only concern is of course my mothers health being in a home with a smoker, but apparently she has her private bedroom and bathroom with air purifiers in both.

My new office is the shit.
Aside from the wall to wall windows overlooking the front of the building, dual 20" monitors, an EXTRA MAC with a 27" monitor and decorated in lions - I get to be a boss. I am really excited about where I am right now. I do however hate that I have been non-stop office hopping for over a week since I need to set everyone up correctly.

I really must get back to work.

mom, work, office, money, dates

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