"...Ran by the man but the women keep the tempo.."
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Life took an interesting turn.
Goals are important to me, so I set one goal for myself that was really out there- reach for the stars type of deal.
I wanted to direct an art department before turning 27.
Why 27? Because I wanted to do it BEFORE 30.
Last week, that goal came true.
I am now managing my own department, setting up interviews to hire new designers to work under me and I am getting the corner upstairs office with the view. Upgrade.
The Art Director who proved to be useless, incompetent and above all, rude was fired last week. I met with the owner of the company, my now old manager and my new manager. We discussed what we all wanted and what was expected of me. I am going to have to really step it up and show them that not only can I design, that I can manage and hire some good artists. I am excited beyond belief. I was told by so many people that I was really ambitious and to not be disappointed if my goal wasn't accomplished until I was older because in reality, that is how things go. I took a big leap in the corporate ladder and I feel so good about it.
Vegas was awesome.
The drive there was smooth, the husband and I decided we deserved a nice room so we upgraded our standard room to a delux 42" plasma, granite countertops, velour wall- to-wall headboard, arm chair with foot rest, dark wood/metal decor, it was insanely gorgeous. We walked everywhere, played the slots (lost though), James finally saw the Bellagio water show and we spent a lot of time holding hands and being gay. The wedding was gorgeous, I drank too much that night though. Thank goodness for Taxi's! The drive back was interesting. I surprised James with Dunkin' Donuts, but when we arrived Saturday, they had already closed. We decided to make the stop Monday morning on our way home. We had breakfast and ordered donuts to go. An hour before getting home, James starts feeling ill. He spent all night hugging the toilet. Food poisoning from Dunkin' Donuts was the cause. I stayed up til about midnight making sure his fever went down and that he was drinking water at the very least. I asked him to stay home from work; a forced day off requested by the wife lol
In our very drunk state of being, we were the gayest couple ever. I think we gave each other a toothache.
He kept telling me how much he loved me and how he can't wait to start a family. I can't tell you how wonderful that feels; I am excited! We had said we'd talk about it by the end of the year, but now, it's more like we'll be trying at the end of the year. It gives me butterflies in the stomach. I really feel HONORED to know I get to plan having children and that neither one of us feels like it would be a mistake if it were to happen. I am not really telling anyone (hello LJ!) about it because I have a feeling it isn't going to be a smooth process, so I don't want to jinx it.
Today I am quite busy with work, getting the other contract designer to understand she isn't in charge has been weird. I let her use the desk of the old Art Director while I was out last week because she needed files from her computer and today, when I asked her to go back to her desk, she didn't want to. LOL I told her that she should finish whatever she has today but that tomorrow, I need her back at her station. She wasn't very happy about it. I am a little sad I don't get the big new MAC screens because my computer is a bit older and doesn't support them. At least I get dual 20" monitors. While I juggle this contract designer who is difficult to work with, I will probably have one designer with me in my office to help. I am not necessarily thrilled about it because it's not a gigantic office to share, but I am also not going to make it a difficult process.
I'm excited to start designing Nancy's wedding invitations! This will be a FUN design project that involves rhinestones!!!! XD Oh, and shopping for paper. <3