
Jan 01, 2010 23:48

I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable New Years Eve and New Years Day!

For me, it meant the boring and frustrating DMV. At least that is all done with and I even paid my registration early again. :) Must remember to put the new sticker on it.

I've been doing pilates/yoga at home with netflix instant view. It is amazing. I am addicted to it. Knowing I can choose something from my computer and then flip it on with the PS3 is beyond amazing, and fascinating to me. Yes, obviously I am easily amused.

We had a pre-game wine session here at home before going to dinner at Jazz Kitchen in Downtown Disney. Why they bother to request reservations is beyond me. We got HORRIBLE service and even worse seating. I had requested to be seated inside by the piano when I made the reservations. They also failed to mention that there was going to be a $20 parking fee for that night. Thankfully, if you were going to be dining there, they waived it with your dinner receipt and refunded you the money. Yay. Well, we were seated outside, in the cold and our waiter was horrible. He was never timely and even forgot to turn on the outside warming lamps on after asking him twice. Not fun. Thankfully there was a flask of Southern Comfort in my purse and I kept ordering Cranberry juice - take that you lazy establishment. We then went to Lost Bar to have a few drinks and off to the courtyard of Disneyland and California Adventure we went! Surrounded by both parks, we were bombarded with fireworks. James and I kissed at midnight and enjoyed the show like little kids. We came home tired and ready for bed... sorta. I did wake up at 6am thirsty and with a sore throat, so I had to take some cough medicine.

Today I have been doing two things; sleeping and watching movies. I am BEYOND lazy. Lazy is an understatement. I think I'm actually going to go workout with my videos in a few minutes.

I spoke with my sister and my mother was 'let go' from her job. She was basically fired by one of their son's because she wouldn't take another pay cut. Oh and because they found a Vietnamese lady without a green card who would do it for $100 a day to be at their house 24/7 cleaning, cooking AND attending to their medical needs, aka bathing and changing the old man's diaper. My mom isn't the smartest woman in the world, but she knows a scam when she see's one. Unfortunately she is out of work and a paycheck, but my sister said she was really calm about it. Bad start to the year for my mom, but I hope karma gets to working - my mother was a saint to those old folks.

I went back to the beginning of 2009 to see if I had made any 'resolutions' and I don't think I did. Hmmmm..... anywho, let's make some now:

Detox: Beginning January 4th (Monday) I am going to do my first detox ever. Mind and Body. It will run til the end of January and hope to feel like a new me. I'm also doing 'The Biggest Loser' Challenge at work, so this goes hand in hand.

Work Out: Duh, it goes with the above, but that one is more specific. In 2009 I reached a new low but managed to get back to where I usually always am during the holidays. Gross. So I am going to have no excuse to NOT workout now since I have Netflix at my fingertips. There is no reason for me to skip out on working out.

Financial Stability: This should be #1. In 2009 I was able to open a CD account (thanks to James' Dad) that will allow some extra income this summer, but not enough to make me feel comfortable. James and I took on a freelance job that will make us some extra cash, but again, not enough to make us anywhere close to being financially stable. The Air Force has us on 'Hurry up and wait' status, so we're waiting. I am hoping that pulls through or 2010 will be worse than 2009 monetarily. I also need to get a fuckin' raise. Ugh. I'd like to add NEW PLACE on here because this apartment is getting WAY too small.

Personal Growth: And by that I do not mean getting fat, lol I mean overall well being. I need to read more, I need to experience more, see more and learn new things.

ParentHood: I would like to start helping my parents with more when I can. I'd like to spend more time with my parents and be a better daughter and even daughter-in-law. With this, i also want to get out to Florida and spend more time with my in-laws and the extended family out there, meet more new faces.

Wife: I want to be a better wife. This one is kinda funny because if you know me, you'd know I try my best to be a great friend, sister and companion. I just want to take care of myself and always be presentable to my husband. To remember to spoil him with love, make him his favorite foods, surprise him with little things and make sure he never forgets why he married me. I really want to be one of those wives. I want him to be proud to be married to me.

I'm also going to add the category Something NEW, because I want to do something I've never done before. Hopefully it's not only one, but MANY things I haven't ever done.

Happy 2010 Bitches! Now go out and make the best of it!

2010, resolutions

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